[Heartfelt Word] Lung Nodules ≠ Lung Cancer-A Word from the Heart of Professor Yang Nong, A Renowned Lung Cancer Expert

Release time:2023-10-25

About lung nodules and lung cancer, lets listen to Professor Yangs "heartfelt words".

Moderator: What is a lung nodule?

Professor Yang Nong: Lung nodule is an imaging description that refers to the size of the lesion but not the nature of it. Lesions found on imaging that are less than 3 centimeters in diameter are usually referred to as nodule foci, and when they are less than 1 centimeter in diameter they are often referred to as small nodules.

Intrapulmonary nodules are categorized as benign or malignant according to their nature. Common benign nodules in the lungs are divided into misshapen tumors, pneumonic pseudotumors, spherical foci of tuberculosis, and lung abscesses. Malignant lesions, on the other hand, may be primary lung cancer or metastatic cancer within the lungs. Small nodules in the lungs are not always lung cancer; there are far fewer malignant tumors than benign lesions.

Moderator: lung nodules equals lung cancer? Can lung nodules turn into lung cancer?

Professor Yang Nong: Firstly, lung nodules are not necessarily lung cancer, and it is necessary determine according to the specific situation. The first factor is size. In general, the bigger the size, the more dangerous it would be; the second factor is density. Mixed nodules are the most dangerous; the third factor is morphologic feature. Be alert to the presence of "burr, vascular cluster sign, lobulation, pleural pulling" on the examination report.

Size, density, and morphologic features should be viewed in combination; the more they match the more dangerous they may be, especially for the people who are of high-risk factors. However, the specifics need to be determined by your doctor.

Second, lung cancer may also manifest as nodules in the early stage. This is because it also takes a certain amount of time for cancer cells to grow, especially for lung cancers under 2cm with a long multiplication cycle and slow development. In terms of size alone,lesions no more than 3 cm also belongs to the category of nodules, which need to be screened with care.

Moderator: which lung nodules are of a high likelihood of malignancy?

Professor Yang Nong: Depending on the density of the nodules, they can be categorized into pure ground glass nodules, partially solid nodules and pure solid nodules. For these three categories, malignant lesions accounted for 18%, 63%, and 7%, respectively. The doctor will make a comprehensive judgment combining the medical history and imaging results. Lung cancer is usually more likely in patients with an age over 55; in patients with a history of chronic lung disease and such a family history; in patients with small lung nodules larger than 1 centimeter in diameter, with burrs and lobes on the edges; and in patients with uneven internal densities, solid nodules or mixed nodules.

Moderator: Why there are more people with lung nodules?

Professor Yang Nong:: On the one hand, more and more people attach importance to health checkups, and on the other hand, it is the continuous improvement of medical technology. In the past, medical checkups were mainly X-rays, but X-rays are difficult to detect nodules smaller than 1 cm. Chest CT is now able to detect lung nodules larger than 2 millimeters, so that the detection rate is much higher. In addition, the frequency of the symptom may be related to factors such as air pollution and mental stress in work life.

Moderator: What factors may be "responsible" for lung nodules?

Professor Yang Nong: The first factor is long-term smoking or exposure to dust; the second one is infection of lung germs; the third one frequent staying up late; the fourth one, long-term poor mood; and fifth one, cold form and cold limbs.

Introduction of the expert


In the future, Professor Yang Nong will hold regular clinics in Hainan Cancer Hospital. If you have any disease-related problems, you can call or scan the code to add WeChat, and Professor Yang Nongs medical team will answer your professional medical questions:

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