Our Hospital Has Realized Multidisciplinary "Closed-Loop" Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer

Release time:2023-10-26

On October 25th, Hainan Cancer Hospital and Hainan Chengmei Hospital jointly held a large-scale free clinic activity and a press conference of Breast Tumor Center of "World Breast Cancer Prevention and Control Month".

On that day, multidisciplinary experts from the Surgery Department, Internal Medicine Department, Radiotherapy Department, and Intraoperative Radiotherapy Group of out Breast Tumor Center, jointly carried out consulting and voluntary consultation services for the general public and patients and friends.

It is reported that, in order to care for the majority of female friends, from that day to November 30, Hainan Provincial Cancer Hospital will launch 20% discount of mammography to benefit the people.

Meanwhile, we will be launching a series of 3 consecutive articles from the Breast Tumor Center in the near future.

A few days ago, Ms. Chen, a patient with locally advanced breast cancer, was treated with neoadjuvant technology by the internal medicine team of the Breast Center of Hainan Cancer Hospital to achieve tumor downstaging, and in mid-October, a minimally invasive breast-conserving surgical treatment was successfully implemented on her body.

After the establishment of the multidisciplinary "closed-loop" diagnosis and treatment model of breast cancer by the Breast Tumor Center of the hospital, the patients have benefited from more scientific and standardized diagnosis and treatment.

First patient diagnosed with malignant breast tumor

MDT discussions were proceeded for each patient

Professor Tang Peng, Director of Breast Tumor Center of the hospital, introduced that they integrated multidisciplinary expert resources to create a "closed-loop" diagnosis and treatment service system for breast cancer patients from early screening to surgery, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radiotherapy, and rehabilitation, so as to realize standardized and individualized treatment for breast cancer patients from the perspective of patients interests.

Ms. Chen, 46 years old, found a breast tumor during her physical examination three months ago, and was eventually diagnosed with stage III breast cancer, which is commonly referred to as "locally advanced" breast cancer, and was unable to undergo breast-conserving surgery.

Surgery is the first choice for breast tumor treatment. However, due to the late discovery of Ms. Chens disease, the opportunity for surgery was lost.

The hospitals Breast Center creates a "full closed-loop", seamless multidisciplinary diagnostic and treatment system, and conducts MDT (Multidisciplinary Team) discussions for all patients with breast malignant tumors at the first diagnosis, providing each patient with a precise and individualized treatment plan, which can effectively circumvent the bias brought by the treatment of patients due to the differences in the doctors personal experience. Professor Tang Peng said that the breast tumor diagnosis and treatment mode is "unique" in Hainan.

After the MDT discussion, combining Ms. Chens pathology, immunohistochemistry and genetic diagnosis results, the Breast Cancer Center team formulated a precise treatment plan of "medical downstaging" followed by "surgical operation" for her.

After 8 cycles of treatment, Ms. Chens breast cancer was downgraded from Stage III to Stage I after breast-conserving treatment was successfully performed by the surgical team of the Breast Oncology Center.

Professor Tang Peng introduced that patients with locally advanced breast cancer seen at their center generally benefited after multidisciplinary standardized treatment.

Neoadjuvant therapy

The "pathological cure" rate of patients with two types of breast cancer reaches 50%".

In recent years, based on the advanced diagnostic and therapeutic experience at home and abroad, the Breast Tumor Center has comprehensively implemented "neoadjuvant therapy" for patients with middle and late-stage breast tumors under the premise of standardized case evaluation.

Zhong Xiaojie, Deputy Director of the Breast Tumor Center and Director of the Department of Comprehensive Breast Care, explained that neoadjuvant therapy for breast tumors is an approach that includes endocrine therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy for non-advanced patients, prior to surgery.

Neoadjuvant therapy is, firstly, to create surgical treatment opportunities for breast cancer patients who cannot be operated by downstaging; secondly, to realize breast-conserving treatment for breast cancer patients who cannot be treated with breast-conserving therapy by downstaging; and thirdly, to provide a more scientific and precise basis for postoperative treatment.

Zhong Xiaojie explained that patients who receive neoadjuvant therapy at the Breast Cancer Center generally benefit greatly. In particular, more than 50% of patients with HER2-positive and triple-negative mutations in intermediate and advanced stages of breast cancer are "pathologically cured" through neoadjuvant therapy, i.e., no cancer cells can be detected at the original site of tumor.

The five-year survival rate of early-stage breast cancer patients reaches 95%

The team of Breast Tumor Center of the hospital establishes cooperation mechanism with top prevention and treatment institutions in the field of international and domestic breast diagnosis and treatment, seamlessly connects with the cutting-edge technology of international breast diagnosis and treatment, and implements the standardized treatment and management of the whole course of disease for all the breast cancer patients, from the early diagnosis to the recovery and return to the society.

Liu Xia, Deputy Director of the Breast Cancer Center, introduced that their team focuses on the clinical research and treatment of breast cancer, and implements "textbook" standardized diagnosis, treatment and management for every breast cancer patient, so that patients can benefit from all aspects of the treatment.

Ms. Zhang, 30 years old, was very happy and delighted to be pregnant soon after married. However, during a pregnancy test, a breast tumor with multiple metastases throughout the body was accidentally discovered and diagnosed as stage IV breast cancer.

Multidisciplinary experts from the Breast Tumor Center developed a regulated and standardized individualized treatment plan for Ms. Zhang. When Ms. Zhang was stabilized by systemic therapy, the team implemented the palliative surgical treatment of "breast-conserving combined with intraoperative radiotherapy", which not only fulfilled the patients desire to become a mother, but also realized the patients need to preserve the dignity of a woman - her breasts.

Ms. Zhangs case has been called an "international model" by her foreign counterparts in academic exchanges.

Now, Ms. Zhangs son is over 6 years old.

According to Liu Xia, the five-year survival rate of early-stage breast cancer patients treated at their center reaches 95%.

However, Liu Xia said that with the development of diagnosis and treatment technology, although many patients with middle and late-stage breast tumors have achieved one treatment miracle after another, she hopes that many female friends to raise awareness of early diagnosis and treatment. She pointed out that although the five-year survival rate of patients with advanced breast tumors has dropped by more than half compared with that of patients with early-stage breast cancer, "early diagnosis and early treatment" is still a "good prescription" for diagnosis and treatment of breast tumor.

World Breast Cancer Awareness Month Free Clinic Activity

Text from Liang Shan and pictures from Li Hongyi