[Heartfelt Word] What Should We Do after Lung Nodules Being Found in Our Body? A Word from the Heart of Professor Yang Nong, A Renowned Lung Cancer Expert

Release time:2023-10-27
Recent days ago, Professor Yang Nong, special expert of Hainan Cancer Hospital, candidate of the 6th "Famous Doctors of the Nation - Outstanding Style", and a famous lung cancer expert, was invited to be a guest of "Health Mission" program of Hainan Minsheng Broadcasting.

About lung nodules and lung cancer, lets listen to Professor Yangs "heartfelt words".

Moderator: What happens if we let lung nodules be?

Professor Yang Nong: Letting it be definitely does not work. For benign pulmonary nodules, some friends are troubled, even let it be, this is actually wrong.

First, benign pulmonary nodules may also undergo malignant changes, if not regularly monitored, the patient may miss the best treatment. Secondly, multiple nodules can cause pulmonary fibrosis and reduce respiratory function. Third, multiple organs and tissues may be involved as the nodules grow bigger. For example, infiltration of surrounding lymphatic tissue, immune dysfunction and abnormal liver and spleen function; Involvement in bones, joints, muscles, arthritis, bone cysts...

Moderator: After finding lung nodules, how should we do to treat them properly?

Professor Yang Nong: If small nodules were found in lungs during medial examination, don’t worry. it is not bound to be cancer, even if it is cancer, its no need to be panic, because most of the early lung cancer, as long as the timely and appropriate treatment, is completely controllable, and can even be cured.

After lung nodules are found, regular review is important. It is recommended that micronodules up to 5 mm be reviewed annually and small nodules between 5 and 10 mm be reviewed every three months with a follow-up of three to five years. When the doctor determines that it is more likely a malignancy, early surgical treatment should be performed as soon as possible. The results of several national and international studies have shown that the 10-year survival rate of surgically treated stage I patients has reached 90%.

Moderator: How can we prevent lung nodules?

Professor Yang Nong: The frist one is to quit smoking. Theres a consensus now that its never too late to quit smoking. At the same time, we should avoid second-hand smoke; secondly, pay attention to the ventilation of the kitchen, to reduce the inhalation of fumes; thirdly, when the air pollution is serious, try to go out as little as possible, and wear a mask when going out; fourthly, use safe and environmentally friendly materials for home renovation; fifthly, to keep in a relaxed mood rather than sulking.

[Professor Yang Nong answering questions from the audience]

Audience 1: In September this year, I have been having a dry cough after caught by the Covid-19, I have a history of smoking and usually cough up phlegm, do I need to go to the hospital to undergo an examination?

Professor Yang Nong: It is recommended to have a lung CT examination, and in the future, to undergo a lung CT during the annual physical examination. Given that the cough is now different than usual, it is advisable to go to the hospital to rule out anything other than a non-new coronary sequela.

Audience 2: My friend is a 39-year-old woman who smokes occasionally and was found to have a 5mm lung nodule on physical examination. Does a lung nodule of this size need a treatment or surgery?

Professor Yang Nong: Since I cannot get a description of the nature of the nodule on the physical examination report such as location, size, margins, density, etc., I can only analyze it according to the usual situation. In most cases, nodules under 6mm have not reach the level where we need to watch them closely. Generally for a 5mm nodule, we recommend an annual CT review, unless the nature of this nodule is considered to be more deteriorated, in which case a shorter review interval would be considered.

Introduction of the expert


In the future, Professor Yang Nong will hold regular clinics in Hainan Cancer Hospital. If you have any disease-related problems, you can call or scan the code to add WeChat, and Professor Yang Nongs medical team will answer your professional medical questions:

(1) Advisory telephone: 138 7680 7106

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