Our Hospital Organized A "Media Open Day"

Release time:2023-11-08

On November 6, on the eve of the 24th Journalists Day, Hainan Cancer Hospital and Hainan Chengmei Hospital organized a "Media Open Day", inviting some journalists from the central media based in Hainan and local mainstream media in Hainan to spend a special Journalists Day together.

For a long time, in the process of development of the hospital, we have received strong support and help from the media at all levels. Hainan Cancer Hospital and Hainan Chengmei Hospital publish more than 1,000 press releases in various mainstream media every year, and many of the reports are reproduced by Sina, Sohu, Netease, Tencent, and official portals of various provinces and cities, forming a distinctive medical publicity model, which is widely recognized in the industry.

On behalf of the Board of Directors and the leadership team of the hospital, Shi Yaohui, Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive President of Hainan Cancer Hospital and President of Hainan Chengmei Hospital, expressed his holiday greetings to the media friends and his deep gratitude for their support for the publicity work of the hospital.

The media open day focused on a visit of the hospitals logistics support system.

An army marches on its stomach. The hospital logistics support system is the foundation for ensuring safe, orderly management of healthcare quality and guarantee patient service experience. The hospital is planned and constructed according to international modern hospital standards and is one of the "most beautiful hospitals" in our country. The comprehensive informationization, intelligentization, and smartization of the logistical support system in our hospital have impressed “the senior journalists”, making them amazed and genuinely impressed.

To see is to believe. In Ward C of the 8th floor of the Cancer Hospital, journalists were curious to open and close the ward doors hard, and found that these doors not only do not pinch hands or people, but also sound no noise at all. Staff introduced that the door is called "mute damping door", patients called it "BMW 7 Series door” playfully, which is a mute ward door introduced from abroad. There are many similar "mute" facilities in the home: mute air conditioning, mute drainage. Even in deep silent night, you cant hear the sound of the air conditioner in the ward, and when you flush the toilet at night, you cant hear the sound of draining water from your wardmates or patients on the upper and lower floors.

Because patients tend to sleep poorly, they are very sensible of noise. These details embody the hospitals humanistic care for patients.

Journalists also found that when entering the hospital ward, they didnt smell the characteristic disinfect smell like other hospitals. A journalist then asked: “Dont you disinfect your hospital regularly?”

In fact, in addition to air conditioning, the hospital set a fresh air system on each floor.  The air in the ward is filtered through special equipment of the inlet port and then replaced with fresh air independently, which ensures that the air in the ward is clean and fresh instead of producing cross-infections.

The hospital also has advanced fully enclosed garbage and linen recycling system. This system collects and transports living, food waste and patient uniforms through different pipelines in a closed, odorless and intelligent way, which not only ensures the cleanliness of the hospital, but also effectively avoids the secondary pollution caused by the transportation process.

Leaders and peers who visited the hospital all praised the hospital for its "international style".

The intelligent logistics platform system of the hospital encompasses the 10 daily tasks of hospital logistics management. Among them, the engineering module can find and solve the clinical problems in the shortest time; the patrol module can find early warning of potential safety hazards in a timely manner, to ensure the safety of patients and medical staff; models such as energy consumption management, equipment inspection, medical waste management, and hazardous chemicals management allow for a clear overview of various daily management tasks in the hospital. The cloth module enables full automation of management for items such as bedding and uniforms through the use of RFID chips.

Electrical and fire safety is a top priority in the daily management of our hospital. Our hospital not only has 2 municipal power supply lines, but also has its own 4 large diesel generator sets. Once the municipal power supply line fails, these intelligent generator sets can start automatically within 30 seconds and realize switching power supply to ensure uninterrupted power supply for key departments such as surgery, ICU, elevator, fire fighting, inspection.

While the journalists were visiting the fire control center, the alarm suddenly went off. Accidental "fire" occurred on the 3rd floor of the hospital, and smoke filled the whole floor.

The duty officer immediately released the fire alarm information, well-trained medical staff, rush to the "fire” from different positions immediately. They worked closely together to methodically evacuate patients and family members while quickly identifying the fire and organizing the fire fighting. Due to the "fire" is too fierce, firefighters of micro fire station in our hospital carried professional firefighting equipment, arrived at the scene within 3 minutes to join in the fire rescue.

The fire was quickly controlled and the fire alarm was clear. The journalists regained their senses, they realized that it was actually a fire drill organized by our hospital. They responded with warm applause.

The logistical support facilities of our hospital are mainly located in the underground level. The journalists laughed and quipped, "So the ‘jokerbomb’ is hidden underground." They found that the air was clean everywhere they arrive, and the machine room, the substation, the air-conditioning room, and even the laundry room, were clean and spotless. The journalists kept praising "the management is really excellent".

The hospitals logistics department starts from detail, empowering technology, and utilizing intelligence to enhance efficiency. With a strong commitment to patient care and societal responsibility, the hospital has always prioritized safety in its work. Over the past 8 years since its establishment, there have been no significant safety incidents. The hospital has been recognized as a provincial-level civilized unit and has been repeatedly commended by the local government as an advanced security unit.

March 2021, the Health Commission of Hainan Province held a conference on the promotion of safe hospital construction at this hospital. During the event, the hospital shared its experiences and practices in building a safe hospital, promoting them to the participants.

Gao Jihe and Lv Yonghong, Vice Presidents of Hainan Cancer Hospital attended the media open day seminar. Yan Yang, Deputy Director of the hospitals logistics department, and Liu Bin, Property Manager of the hospital, organized the entire visit.

On that day, nearly 40 media executives and journalists from over 30 medias including Hainan Branch of Xinhua News Agency, Hainan Channel of Peoples Daily Online, CCTV Hainan Station, Hainan Branch of China News Service, Hainan Reporter Station of China Youth Daily, Hainan Reporter Station of Health News, Hainan Reporter Station of Legal Daily, Hainan Reporter Station of China Daily, Hainan Reporter Station of Consumer News, Hainan Reporter Station of China Real Estate News, Hainan Reporter Station of China Net, Hainan Daily, Hainan Radio and Television Station, Nanhai Net, Nanguo Metropolitan Daily, Hainan TV, Hainan Traffic Radio, International Tourism Island Business Daily, Hainan Special Zone Daily, Haikou Daily, Haikou Radio and Television Station, Haikou Net, Haikou New Media Association, etc. attended the media open day event.

Leaders speech

Shi Yaohui, Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive President of Hainan Cancer Hospital and President of Hainan Chengmei Hospital

Gao Jihe, Vice President of Hainan Cancer Hospital

Lv Yonghong, Vice President of Hainan Cancer Hospital

Visiting and exchange

Happy holidays to our journalists!

Text from Liang Shan and pictures from Li Hongyi