Our hospital held an activity in terms of National Fire Day

Release time:2023-11-10
“What are the four keys to fire escape?”“What are the right actions with a response to a fire?”... In order to comprehensively improve the fire safety awareness and self-prevention and self-rescue ability of patients, family members and employees, on the morning of November 9, Hainan Cancer Hospital and Hainan Chengmei Hospital jointly held a fire day activity with the theme of “Everyone Pays Attention on Safety and Everyone will respond to Emergencies”.

This year is the 32nd “National Fire Day” with the theme of "Prevention First, Life First", with the purpose of raising public awareness of fire safety, strengthening fire prevention measures, and jointly safeguarding the safety of life and property.

Fire safety has always been the top priority of hospital security work. Gao Jihe, who is the deputy president of Hainan Cancer Hospital, said that fire safety is significant. Because it is closely related to the life and property safety of patients, family members and medical staff, as well as social harmony and stability. He hopes that everyone can take fire safety seriously, firmly establish a sense of fire safety responsibility and seriously learn fire safety knowledge. In addition, everyone needs to truly uphold the principle of “understand fire, know fire and prevent fire”, and jointly contribute to the construction of a beautiful and safe hospital and a civilized and harmonious society.

On that day, under the careful preparation of the logistics support department of the hospital, the fire knowledge award questions and answers, fire safety knowledge consultation, fire equipment display and other activities were carried out. In the hospital, patients, their families and medical staff comprehensively grasp of the basic knowledge and skills of fire safety by means of learning from playing.

The atmosphere was lively. The author observed that the members of the West Coast Fire Rescue Squadron of Xiuying District, Haikou City specially drove the fire truck to the hospital, in order to show and explain the rescue function of the truck and its supporting equipment. Everyone closely experienced fire skills and understood fire knowledge through the way.

A fire safety information desk was set up at the scene, and fire safety brochures and relevant dolls were distributed.

It is reported that Hainan Cancer Hospital and Hainan Chengmei Hospital strictly complied with fire safety laws and regulations, implemented mandatory fire protection standards and fully carried out the system of “The Party and the government share responsibility, one position with two responsibilities, joint management, accountability for dereliction of duty”. Moreover, they also implemented the requirements of “industry management must focus on safety, business management must pay attention to safety, production and operation management must attach importance to safety”, and fully built a solid fire prevention baseline. At the same time, the hospitals have continuously established and improved various production safety systems, regularly revised and improved emergency plans and organized drills and strengthened the daily inspection and publicity of production safety work. And they also increased the emergency response skills of employees, and comprehensively improved the “four capabilities” of fire safety.

The hospital organized fire safety drills many times a year to ensure that the hospital can respond to, fight against and get success to protect the life and property safety of hospital staff and patients confronting with emergencies.

Articles and pictures provided by Chen Lin