Hainan Organized Training on Automated Peritoneal Dialysis Technology

Release time:2023-11-21
Recent days ago, a training course on "Standardized Promotion and Application Training Class of Automated Peritoneal Dialysis Technology" was held in Haikou, organized by Hainan Chengmei Hospital and Hainan Provincial Tumor Hospital, and supported by the Kidney Disease and Blood Purification Professional Committee of Hainan Non-Public Medical Institutions Association, aiming to promote the standardized use of automated peritoneal dialysis technology in Hainan province.

Professor Yang Shufen, Vice President of Hainan Cancer Hospital, and Pang Guoqing, Director of the Office of Hainan Non-Public Medical Institutions Association, attended the meeting and delivered speeches. More than 120 renal medical specialists, nephrologists and nurses from hospitals in and out of the province participated in the training activities.

Peritoneal dialysis is currently one of the most conventional treatments for acute and chronic renal failure. The commonly used, traditional Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) is relatively cumbersome to operate and not convenient enough to use, which is especially troublesome for renal patients who are treated at home or who work daily. While Automated Peritoneal Dialysis (APD) only requires the setting of appropriate treatment parameters on the machine, such as heating and changing of dialysate, and adjustment of the inflow and outflow rates of the abdominal cavity. All the complex processes can be automatically carried out. It is especially suitable for patients who work during the day, who can make use of the rest and sleep time at night to complete the daily dialysis treatment, which greatly reduces the impact of dialysis treatment on the patients daily life and work, and is simple to operate and very convenient to use. Because automated peritoneal dialysis changes fluids automatically through the device, the risk of peritonitis due to improper manual handling is relatively reduced.

Automated peritoneal dialysis was introduced in the 1990s and is favored by more and more uremic patients because of its advantages including ease of use, easy adjustment of the dialysis dose, flexible dialysis time, and high safety. In developed countries such as Europe and the United States, more than half of the patients with peritoneal dialysis are currently treated with automated peritoneal dialysis. For various reasons, automated peritoneal dialysis has not been popularized in China, and the current utilization rate is about 1.9% only.

Professor Chen Wen, Director of Nephrology Department of Hainan Chengmei Hospital and the Eighth Chairman of Nephrology Specialized Committee, Hainan Provincial Medical Association, said that this automated peritoneal dialysis technology standardized promotion and application training activity approved by Hainan Provincial Department of Continuing Education is aimed at promoting the peritoneal dialysis treatment to be in line with the international new technology in the context of the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port and to benefit more patients with kidney disease.

Professor Chen Wen, as well as Professor He Yani, Chief of Nephrology Department of Daping Hospital of the former Army Military Medical University, Professor Guo Zhiyong, Chief of Nephrology Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Naval Medical University, Professor Wei Jiali, Chief of Nephrology Department of the Hainan Provincial Peoples Hospital, Professor Zhu Yongjun, Chief of Nephrology Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical College, and Professor Zhuang Yijun, Chief of Donghu Nephrology Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical College, etc. have shared their experience and accepted training on automated peritoneal dialysis technology. The participants also engaged in academic exchanges, where experts and attendees discussed and explored various aspects related to the practice. The vibrant atmosphere at the academic exchange session enriched the participants understanding of new theories and advancements in peritoneal dialysis, broadened their academic perspectives, and enhanced the clinical practice and theoretical knowledge of renal healthcare professionals. Under the impetus of the policies related to the establishment of a free trade port in Hainan, the peritoneal dialysis profession in Hainan will undoubtedly witness new developments, bringing greater benefits to a vast number of renal failure patients.


Leaders speech

Yang Shufen, Vice President of Hainan Cancer Hospital

Pang Guoqing, Office Director of Renal Disease and Blood Purification Specialized Committee, Hainan Non-Public Medical Institutions Association

Professor Wei Jiali, Director of Nephrology Department, Hainan Provincial Peoples Hospital

Professor Zhu Yongjun, Director of Nephrology Department, the First Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical College

Professor Chen Wen, Director of Nephrology Department of Hainan Chengmei Hospital and Chairman of the 8th session of the Nephrology Committee of Hainan Medical Association, presided over the meeting.


Group photo taking

Text from Liang Shan and picture(s) from Yang Enhao