Stop fussing over pulmonary nodule- sidelights of the patients’ meeting of the famous lung cancer expert, professor Yang Nong

Release time:2023-11-22
“I felt much more reassured after professor Yang Nong interpreted my physical examination report.” More than one month ago, a 1.2cm “nodule” was found in the lung of over 40-year-old Mr. Li when he attended the physical examination organized by his unit.

Mr. Li came to several hospitals, while each of them explained differently about the “nodule”. Some said “it doesn’t matter, just keep observing”, while some persuaded him “to remove it immediately without hesitation”, which upset Mr. Li a lot, he just didn’t know what to do.

On November 18, invited by the Health Management Center of Hainan Cancer Hospital, professor Yang Nong, a specially-invited expert of the hospital and China’s famous lung cancer expert, came to Hainan Chengmei Hospital to share knowledge about lung cancer and pulmonary nodule with pulmonary nodule patients specially. Mr. Li came to the scene to consult with inspection papers over the years.

The meeting room which can hold 30 more people was packed, even at the door stood puzzled pulmonary nodule patients like Mr. Li.

Professor Yang Nong shared systematically the basic knowledge about pulmonary nodule and lung cancer and his own experience of diagnosis and treatment. The field audiences were impressed with the depth of his knowledge and experience, especially his earnest and responsible attitude towards them, with everyone kept on recording and taking photos of the lecture documents.

Mr. Li was lucky enough to raise questions first. Hearing his introduction, Professor Yang told him kindly “don’t worry, we’ll see after reading you inspection result”.

People raised questions actively. Part of them came “in group” to consult treating method for their families suffering from lung cancer, but most of them came like Mr. Li hoping Professor Yang can give a definite diagnosis result about the pulmonary nodule found in physical examination.

After reading carefully Mr. Li’s examination papers over the years and inquiring his symptoms in detail, Professor Yang found that there was nothing wrong with his lung in previous physical examinations, so he told Mr. Li definitely: a nodule usually follows a doubling time, even an early tumor couldn’t become an over one centimeter nodule in a short period. So we should consider firstly if it’s an inflammatory “tumor” formed after infecting Covid-19 or other pathogenic microorganism. Professor Yang told him to do relevant treatment and check again half a year later.

Mr. Li, grim-faced and anxious, laughed cheerfully after Professor Yang’s analysis.

In this year’s physical examination, Mr. Liu found the former nodule in his lung has grown from 0.3cm to 0.4cm. Professor Yang picked up an orange and told him wittily: nodule and orange are all balls; different layers will surely be in different size when scanned in CT. And told him: it’s alright, just check again next year.

Mr. Zhang made five CT examinations in five years because three mixed ground glass nodules were found in his lung. During the five years, his wife and daughter came to Guangzhou, Shanghai and other cities with him to see doctors without definite treatment ideas finally.

For this, Mr. Zhang and his family were plagued much.

After analyzing carefully his five-year inspection results, Professor Yang told him “a risk of changes may not be ruled out, but still under control, so you don’t have to be too anxious”.

He told Mr. Zhang confidently: “According to the inspection results, it could be an early lung cancer even if there is a severe change. And there are mature treatment technologies for lung cancer now; a surgery micro operation can solve the problem without affecting health and surviving lifespan.”

Professor Yang instructed Mr. Zhang patiently: to check every 3 to 6 months, if there is any change, make it clear which nodule of the three is in higher risks and needs to be handled immediately according to the inspection result, thus confirming the operation priority. He warned Mr. Zhang repeatedly, since the resected lobe will not regenerate and it will affect your lung’s function, make sure to have an operation under standard and scientific diagnosis results, if you have to.

Mr. Zhang and his wife were still featured heavily, Professor Yang asked wittily: “It’s there you worry or not, so why do you fuss over it? Just remove it if it makes trouble, it’s simple.”

The professional and sincere words of Professor Yang undid their knot. Mr. Zhang bowed with tears in his eyes, and his wife smiled and said “thank you” again and again even out of the door!

The patients’ meeting of Professor Yang Nong was hosted by the Health Management Center of Hainan Cancer Hospital and Chengmei Medical Group. Professor Jin Hong, head of the center, and her team, and the service group of the Medical Group provided full service.

It’s reported that Professor Yang Nong will visit regularly every Saturday at Hainan Cancer Hospital, you can follow the visit information of Professor Yang on the hospital’s official account if need.

Make an appointment

Registration process:

Click mini program – clinic registration – add (choose) patient’s information – pay registration fees – appointment finished

Treatment requirements

To make it easier to treat and make your conditions understood by the expert, please take:

1. ID Card, health insurance card and mobile phone

2. Immediate family (have the right to make decisions)

3. List relevant accepted examinations in time order

4. Previous paper medical records

5. Slices, paraffin blocks or 20-30 clean tissue slices of operation cases

6. Pathological diagnosis report

7. Hospital medical records

8. Relevant recent examinations

9. Current treatment plan of the patient

10. The most urgent questions

[Warm Tips]

Professor Yang Nong will visit Hainan Cancer Hospital regularly, you can call or scan the QR code to add the WeChat account if you have relevant disease questions, the medical group of Professor Yang Nong will answer your medical questions professionally:

(1) Consulting Tel.: 138 7680 7106

(2) Add a WeChat account:

(Scan the QR Code to add the doctor’s assistant of Chengmei)

Article and images / Liang Shan