100-year-old Elderly Man from Taiwan Obtained "Rebirth" at Hainan Chengmei Hospital

Release time:2023-11-29
Mr. Wang, a 100-year-old Taiwanese, suffered from a sudden serious heart attack threatening his life, was turned around after a joint treatment by multidisciplinary experts from Hainan Chengmei Hospital.

On November 28, Mr. Wang was discharged safely.


A 100-year-old man alone in a foreign land has a medical emergency.

A month ago, Mr. Wang, who is 100 years old, suddenly experienced chest tightness, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing, and was urgently taken to Hainan Chengmei Hospital for treatment.

Professor Zheng Yin, cardiovascular specialist and Vice President of the hospital, explained that when Mr. Wang was admitted to the hospital, his condition was critical. His vital signs were unstable, with a heart rate of only 30 beats per minute. He had a third-degree atrioventricular block and was in a severe malignant cardiac arrhythmia, being at risk of cardiac arrest and sudden death at any moment.

Due to the old mans multiple conditions, including multiple cerebral infarctions, pulmonary infection, large amounts of pleural effusion on both sides, and acute heart failure, he could only sit upright rather than lying down. His condition was extremely complex, with high treatment difficulty and risks involved.

Faced with the critical condition of the elderly patient, Vice President Zheng Yin promptly organized a multidisciplinary team of experts, including geriatric specialists Dai Wenxin and Shu Yue, as well as experts from the departments of cardiovascular, respiratory, pain management, and clinical nutrition. They also collaborated with renowned cardiology experts from several hospitals within the province, initiating a cross-hospital Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) consultation. Together, they developed a meticulous treatment plan for the patient.

After active anti-infection, myocardial nutrition, control of heart failure, stabilization of heart rate, drainage of pleural effusion, enhancement of immunity and other symptomatic supportive treatments, coupled with professional nutritional conditioning as well as careful nursing, Mr. Wangs heart failure was under control, the lung infection basically cured, he could lie flat at night, and his condition was stabilized.

Due to Mr. Wangs extremely advanced age and severe physical decline, a pacemaker is required to fundamentally solve problems such as severe malignant arrhythmia, remove the risk of sudden death, and ensure his quality of life and life safety.

Previously, Mr. Wangs family had contacted several hospitals within the province multiple times for pacemaker implantation therapy, but they were politely refused due to the high risks involved.

Putting the patients interests first, and based on the earnest request and complete trust from the patients family, experts from Hainan Chengmei Hospital, in collaboration with renowned cardiovascular specialists within the province, conducted thorough evaluations of Mr. Wangs condition. Finally, they successfully performed the extremely high-risk procedure of permanent pacemaker implantation in his heart.

After the surgery, Mr. Wangs heart rate returned to a normal level, and he was able to walk freely. He successfully passed the critical period and is recovering smoothly.


Warm care got praised by the "elderly star"

Mr. Wang is from Taiwan. He came to Hainan in his early years for agricultural development and fell deeply in love with this land. After retirement, he decided to stay alone in Hainan to enjoy his golden years.

Earlier this year, Mr. Wang contracted COVID-19 and received treatment at Hainan Chengmei Hospital. He was greatly satisfied with the wonderful environment, excellent medical technology, and especially the high-quality nursing care here. This time, when he experienced sudden health discomfort, he rushed to Hainan Chengmei Hospital at once.

"The doctors and nurses here treat me like families, which is particularly heartwarming." Mr. Wang said.

Mr. Wangs families are far away in Taiwan. With the sudden onset of illness requiring hospitalization, Mr. Wangs family was unable to arrive immediately, which made him very worried.

Upon admission to the hospital, the attentive care of the medical staff allayed the concerns of the old man.

The hospital specializes in configuring housekeeping care services for patients, providing full 24-hour unaccompanied care according to the patients needs.

After Mr. Wang was admitted to the hospital, professional caregivers and nurse practitioners provided high-quality, warm and worry-free full-time accompaniment from diet, living, washing and treatment.

When he was first admitted to the hospital, the old man could only sit in a semi-sitting position, coupled with his fat body size, he had to turn over from time to time. Every time the old man turns over, the professional caregiver pounds his back, presses his legs, and chatters with him.

Old Mr. Wang loves to sunbathe. As soon as the treatment was over, the nurses would push the old man outside to soak up the sun and see the sights.

In order to prevent Mr. Wangs family far away in Taiwan from worrying, the medical staff arrange daily video calls through WeChat, allowing the elderly gentleman to speak with his family and keep them updated on his condition in a timely manner.

Before Mr. Wang being discharged, his daughter, who traveled all the way from Taiwan to take care of her father, sincerely expressed her gratitude to the doctors and nurses who admitted to the care and treatment of her father, as she joined her hands together in a gesture of appreciation. Mr. Wang also raised his thumb and smiled as he bid farewell to the medical staff one by one.

Mr. Wang shook hands with the medical team to express his gratitude.

Introduction of the expert

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