Moving forward, Creating the Future Together - Our Hospital Held the 2023 Annual Summary Commendation Conference

Release time:2024-01-08
Summary Commendation

August 6, Hainan Provincial Cancer Hospital, and Hainan Chengmei Hospital, jointly held the 2023 Annual Summary Commendation Conference. All the staff of the hospital gathered online and offline to summarize the past, look forward to the future, recognize the advanced, inspire motivation, and clarify the goal of the New Years struggle. At the same time, advanced groups and individuals emerging in medical services, scientific research and innovation, hospital management and other work were recognized.

Guo Qiyong, Acting Chairman of Hainan Cancer Hospital, Xu Minggui, Lin Shiquan, Li Lei, leaders of the Board of Governors and the leadership team of the hospital, the head and deputy head of the department, the head nurse, the head technician, as well as the award-winning representatives attended the conference.

Shi Yaohui, Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive President of Hainan Cancer Hospital and President of Hainan Chengmei Hospital, offered a summary report of the work done in 2023.

The report states that 2023 will be a year full of challenges and tests. After three years of fighting against the pandemic, hospitals are faced with downward pressure in the overall economic environment and a significant adjustment in the medical insurance payment system. In response, hospitals have taken decisive actions and timely adjustments. They have implemented unified management between two hospitals and continue to promote the "1221" project, accelerating the construction of an integrated development strategy for cancer prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation. The implementation of the management philosophy that "development is the key" is emphasized, with a focus on data-driven approaches. This includes deepening the integration between the two hospitals, building a high-quality healthcare brand, enhancing the service capabilities for cancer patients, and promoting reforms in the relevant departments. Through strict management and effective efforts, the hospital aims to achieve new development and outcomes.

The report provides a detailed analysis of the hospitals operational data and comprehensively reviews and summarizes the main tasks of the hospital for the year 2023 from various aspects such as medical quality, scientific research and teaching, optimizing the patient experience, ensuring safety management, improving quality, reducing costs and increasing efficiency, and strengthening party building and cultural construction. The report provides an update on the progress of five special projects, including the construction of the specialized outpatient clinic for cancer patients, resolution of clinical issues, construction of a painless hospital, magnetic resonance coronary artery examination for sudden death prevention screening, and the establishment of a safety hospital.

The report indicates that in 2023, the hospital maintained smooth and orderly operations, with significant growth in various key performance indicators. This solidified the foundation for the hospitals rapid development in the next steps.

Over the past year, Hainan Cancer Hospital has successfully risen to the ranks of a "Triple A" hospital, marking a new milestone in terms of standardized diagnosis and treatment, discipline development, talent cultivation, and clinical safety. The hospitals clinical laboratory has obtained international recognition by successfully passing the ISO 15189 medical laboratory accreditation, which enables the laboratory results to be recognized by thousands of laboratories worldwide. The hospital has also been selected as one of the pilot hospitals for comprehensive pain management by the National Health Commission, signifying the recognition of its expertise in pain management by national authorities and experts. Additionally, the hospital has continued to fulfill its health mission by playing an outstanding role in epidemic prevention and control, exhibition protection, and large-scale events such as New Years concerts, receiving wide acclaim from society. In addition, several collectives and individuals within the hospital have shone in their respective work, receiving multiple important national, provincial, and municipal honors. Several experts have also been newly elected as important academic committee chairs.

Shi Yaohui pointed out that in the face of progress, achievements, and honors, we must remain clear-headed and recognize the new development situation. We should actively respond to various challenges, risks, and uncertainties, and strive to improve the quality of medical services with a patient-centered approach.

Guo Qiyong, Acting Chairman on behalf of the hospitals board of directors, provided a detailed analysis and interpretation of the "Key Points and Goals of Shaping Healthcare in 2024."

Acting Chairman Guo Qiyong conducted a detailed analysis and review of the hospitals medical operational data and various work indicators for the year 2023. He provided a comprehensive deployment and interpretation of the work objectives for the year 2024. He emphasized specific requirements for the integration of the two hospitals, the construction of a painless hospital, the quality of medical operational performance, and hospital and medical safety. He expressed that by strengthening systematic management, the dual-core competitiveness of Shaping Healthcare can be formed.

Regarding the construction of departments, scientific research and teaching, cost management, and improving cost-effectiveness, Acting Chairman Guo Qiyong pointed out that it is necessary to vigorously promote organizational restructuring and functional integration within the administrative departments in order to serve the clinical management improvement. He emphasized the need to strengthen training for clinical directors and functional department directors, striving to create efficient and effective management teams and cultivate future management talents to ensure sustainable development. He emphasized that departmental construction is a perennial theme of the hospital and is the first priority of department heads. At the same time, it is made clear that the key focus of departmental construction is talent cultivation and talent attraction. By establishing incentive mechanisms and initiating future talent development programs, the hospital aims to leverage medical operation as the driving force and take the "new practices at the provincial, municipal, and hospital levels" as the flagship projects. Through identifying and nurturing advantageous departments and talented individuals, the aim is to establish and shape a positive feedback loop for the development of hospital departments.

In addition, specific requirements were put forth to improve the responsibility system at all levels of positions, enhance satisfaction and hospital culture, and strengthen party building and mass work.

In particular, specific arrangements were made for the ten major special projects in 2024, including hospital restructuring and job responsibility system, organizational reform and service improvement, performance evaluation and distribution reform, first-inquiry responsibility system and service improvement, as well as talent assessment and talent attraction.

Guo Qiyong, Acting Chairman, emphasized that 2024 will be the hospitals first "year of management construction," as well as the first "year of service construction" and the first "year of reform." Amid continuous improvements in national reforms, ongoing adjustments to medical insurance policies, and significant transformations in the healthcare environment and market, it is crucial for the hospital to firmly grasp medical services as its core existence. Only by doing so can the hospital establish a solid foundation for future development. He pointed out that continuously improving medical technology and the capacity for medical services is the core goal of hospital construction and development. This is to meet the growing demand from the public for medical services.

Wu Zhiyong, Vice President of Hainan Cancer Hospital and Executive Director of Hainan Chengmei Hospital, read out the commendation decision. The group and hospital leaders presented awards and commendations to recipients of various accolades, including the "Advanced Collective of the Group," "Outstanding Employees of the Group," "Most Beautiful Functional Team Award," "Most Beautiful Management Award," "Most Beautiful Staff Award," "Scientific Research and Innovation Award," "Excellent Achievement Award," "Star of Outstanding Service," "Cost Reduction and Efficiency Management Award," "Exemplary Fighter Against Cancer," and "Award for Medical Collaboration in Health Alliance," among others.

Award-winning representatives Luo Yunxiu and Fu Jing shared their profound experience of progress and growth with the hospital. Their diligent attitude and pragmatic style won the warm applause of the participants, highlighting the hospital staffs motto of "Virtue, Excellence, Collaboration and Innovation".

At the end of the award ceremony, Shi Yaohui, on behalf of the hospital leadership, stated that "ten percent of planning, ninety percent of implementation" is the key to development. This means that tangible results and actions are essential for progress.

He hopes that the hospitals party and government leadership, as well as all middle-level cadres, will focus their efforts on the development goals and tasks set by the board of directors. These goals should be broken down and implemented on a monthly basis, with specific work schedules and roadmaps created for each department and project. This will ensure the effective implementation of targeted tasks and strive to put the hospital on a sustainable development trajectory.

Shi Yaohui emphasized the importance of focusing on meeting the growing demand for medical services from the public as the core objective. This should be achieved by strengthening talent development, enhancing medical technology and healthcare service capabilities, and improving patient satisfaction. Key measures include utilizing data-driven approaches, deepening integration between the two hospitals, actively and steadily advancing performance and organizational reform, enhancing publicity and brand building. These efforts aim to continuously increase the hospitals core competitiveness, leverage the role of the groups health industry flagship and incubator, and strive to build a reputable healthcare brand, as a tribute to the hospitals 10th anniversary.

The conference was presided over by Gao Jihe, Vice President of Hainan Cancer Hospital.

Leaders speech

Guo Qiyong, the Acting Chairman of Hainan Cancer Hospital

Shi Yaohui, Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive President of Hainan Cancer Hospital and President of Hainan Chengmei Hospital

Wu Zhiyong, Vice President of Hainan Cancer Hospital and Executive Director of Hainan Chengmei Hospital

Gao Jihe, Vice President of Hainan Cancer Hospital, held the meeting

Award presentation

Awards list

Award-winning representative offered speech

Luo Yunxiu, representative of "Research Innovation Award and Outstanding Achievement Award"

Fu Jing, representative of the "Most Beautiful Worker Award"

Forge ahead together, creating the future

Text from Liang Shan, Chen Lin and picture(s) from Li Hongyi