The settlement of commercial insurance claims in this hospital is really convenient! 

Release time:2024-02-29
"I never expected that when it came to discharge settlement at your hospital, the insurance claims process could be completed in one go. It's extremely convenient!" On February 26th, Ms. Zhao, who was handling the discharge settlement at Hainan Chengmei Hospital, spoke highly of the hospital's "commercial insurance direct payment" service. 

At the end of last year, Hainan Cancer Hospital and Hainan Chengmei Hospital signed simultaneous agreements with Taikang Life Insurance for the "Jianbaotong" commercial insurance "one-stop" direct payment claims service. For customers insured with Taikang Life Insurance medical and allowance insurance, when they are admitted for treatment at these two hospitals, they only need to provide relevant information during admission and complete the "claims application" by scanning a QR code. They can then enjoy "counter-free application, zero waiting time, and instant payment" services. Some eligible patients are not required to pay a hospital deposit, which addresses the pain points of long waiting periods and cumbersome procedures in previous claims settlement models, improving the medical experience for insurance customers.  

"Jianbaotong" unveiling ceremony (file photo)

On February 26th, when Ms. Zhao was handling the discharge settlement, the hospitals billing window staff used the Taikang Life Insurance "Jianbaotong" claims direct payment platform to directly apply for commercial insurance reimbursement for Ms. Zhao. They successfully completed the "one-stop" real-time settlement service for both medical and commercial insurance. 

"Yes, I found that just by sitting and taking a cup of tea, the hospital staff took care of both my discharge settlement and commercial insurance claims. It was truly a time-saving, effortless, and worry-free experience!" Ms. Zhao mentioned that when her husband was hospitalized in another hospital last year and went through the process of filing for commercial insurance claims, it was quite a hassle and time-consuming. Because the hospital could not settle the bill directly with the insurance company, We had to make several trips to the the hospital and the insurance company to complete various procedures and documents. Ms Zhao said, "I didnt realize that I could apply for commercial insurance benefits directly at your hospital billing window, its simple and hassle-free!"  

It is reported that "Jianbaotong" is a "one-stop" settlement service mode implemented by Taikang Life for the convenience of customers and to open up the "last kilometre" of settlement between insurance claims and hospitals, which is very convenient for hospitals and patients. 

As we know, Taikang Life Hainan Branch has built a deep strategic partnership with Hainan Cancer Hospital and Hainan Chengmei Hospital to provide a series of high-quality medical and healthcare services, such as health management, health checkups, health education and health screening, for Taikang Life high-end customers. The hospital has also opened a special green channel for Taikang Life insurance customers to provide fast, thoughtful and exclusive services. Hainan Chengmei Hospital has also set up exclusive wards for Taikang Life insurance customers and provided special nursing services. 

Text from Huang Fei