Free Clinic Announcement | On March 7th, "Hernia Awareness Day" Free Clinic Event Awaits Your Presence

Release time:2024-03-06
"Hernia Awareness Day” free clinic forecast 

On the occasion of "Hernia Awareness Day", in order to popularise the knowledge of hernia, disseminate advanced hernia treatment concepts, and help the majority of patients to get rid of hernia, Hainan Cancer Hospital integrates multidisciplinary experts from gastrointestinal surgery, traditional Chinese medicine, and rehabilitation, etc., and plan to hold a free clinic in the hospital outpatient hall from 9:00am to 11:00am on March 7th.

During the event, renowned gastrointestinal surgeons, Professor Yu Shuyong, Vice President of Hainan Provincial Cancer Hospital, and Director Tu Ruisha, Chief of the Gastrointestinal Surgery Department, along with other experts will provide free consultation on-site. They will offer guidance on disease treatment, clear doubts, and provide educational services on various related topics for the citizens in need.

During the free clinic, free hernia ultrasound screening will be provided. It is a rare opportunity that should not be missed!

I. Time of the free clinic

March 7th, 9:00 am-11:00 am

II. Location of the free clinic

Outpatient hall of Hainan Cancer Hospital

III. Content of the free clinic

(I) Free hernia site ultrasound screening

(II) Hernia knowledge education

(III) Answering questions and clarifying doubts for hernia patients

(IV) Providing disease treatment guidance for hernia patients

IV. Consulting telephone


Experts of the free clinic

Science promotion

(I) What is a hernia?

Hernia, commonly known as "intestinal gas," can manifest in various forms such as inguinal hernia, direct inguinal hernia, femoral hernia, incisional hernia, and umbilical hernia. Hernia often occurs due to a localized weakening of the abdominal wall and an increase in intra-abdominal pressure caused by factors such as coughing, sneezing, chronic constipation, difficulty urinating, ascites, excessive exertion, pregnancy, or excessive crying in infants. It is a common condition in children and the elderly, with a higher incidence rate. The symptoms include the protrusion of a swelling in the lower abdomen that becomes more noticeable during standing or exertion, but can disappear when lying down or manually pushed back. It is reported that the incidence rate of hernia is relatively high, with approximately 20 million new cases worldwide each year.

(II) What factors are prone to causing hernia?



Chronic cough

Lifting heavy objects frequently


(III) What are the risks of hernia?

1. Once a hernia appears, it will not heal on its own and will gradually increase in size as the condition progresses;

2. It can result in long-term abdominal pain, bloating, indigestion, constipation, and other symptoms;

3. A large hernia protrusion can significantly impact normal daily activities and quality of daily life;

4. It can even be life-threatening.