Patient's Praise: This Hospital in Hainan Has A Great "International Flair"

Release time:2024-04-03
Recently, Ms. Song, who had sought medical treatment abroad multiple times, expressed admiration for the service standards and expertise of Hainan Chengmei Hospital after undergoing minimally invasive thyroid surgery there. She exclaimed, "You have a great 'international style' and are in no way inferior to renowned doctors and hospitals abroad." 


Ms. Song, a resident of Tianjin in her fifties, has a multiple nodular constitution that caused various unidentified nodules to appear repeatedly in her lungs, mediastinum, and neck. She has sought treatment in numerous renowned hospitals across China and consulted with famous doctors, but the nodules continue to grow inexplicably. In recent years, due to the compression of the recurrent laryngeal nerve by mediastinal nodules, Ms. Song has experienced atrophy and paralysis of the vocal cords, rendering her unable to speak. She frequently coughs and even experiences episodes of aspiration pneumonia, leading to choking. In order to address this condition, Ms. Song also sought medical treatment in Japan, the United States, and other countries. She spent a considerable amount of time seeking treatment abroad and underwent artificial vocal cord transplantation in a renowned hospital in the United States. After the surgery, she was able to speak, albeit with difficulty. However, Ms. Song expressed that her condition would relapse within a few days, returning to its original state.

Recently, the number of nodules in Ms. Songs neck has been increasing, significantly impacting her daily life. Ms. Song stated, "Not only can I not speak, but I also choke severely when trying to drink anything. Even drinking porridge or water causes me to choke. My days are filled with immense pain and suffering."


Not long ago, Ms. Song went to BFA International Clinic in Boao Lecheng, preparing to undergo treatment with a new international immunotherapy drug. During the pre-treatment evaluation by the expert team, they discovered some issues with the thyroid nodules in Ms. Songs case. In order to ensure the safety of the treatment, it was determined that the thyroid nodules needed to be surgically removed to obtain accurate pathological results.

Previously, Ms. Song encountered complications during the surgical treatment of her neck nodules, requiring multiple treatments over a year before recovering. She is particularly cautious about this. In order to ensure the safety of the surgery, Ms. Song mobilized various connections and even sought consultations from foreign experts. However, in the end, she was unable to find suitable treatment experts and hospitals.

Later, the expert team at BFA International Clinic highly recommended Professor Yu Shuyong, a renowned expert in minimally invasive thyroid surgery at Hainan Chengmei Hospital. After carefully reviewing the relevant reports and information about Professor Yu, Ms. Song gained confidence in his abilities.

At the end of March, Ms. Song was admitted to Hainan Chengmei Hospital. "As soon as she entered the hospital, Ms. Song was impressed by the hospitals beautiful and elegant medical environment and the polite service of the medical staff. It was no different from renowned hospitals abroad. But the fees were drastically different." Ms. Song said that at that time, she still had some concerns about the surgical experts and the team. However, after communicating with Professor Yu Shuyong, she completely dispelled her concerns.

Prolonged illness makes the patient be a doctor. Mrs. Song laughed and said that in recent years, she has either been in the hospital or on her way to the hospital. Therefore, after Professor Yu thoroughly got know of the medical condition and introduced the next treatment plan, she suddenly felt "completely on the right track".

Professor Yu Shuyong (front left) visiting Ms. Song


After completing all the necessary preoperative examinations, Ms. Song underwent minimally invasive treatment for her thyroid on the second day of her hospitalization. The postoperative pathological results revealed that it is a thyroid cancer.

On the second day after the surgery, Ms. Song was pleasantly surprised to find that although her voice was still slightly hoarse, it became more natural and resonant, and she could speak effortlessly. Whats even more amazing is that she didnt experience any choking while eating or drinking. She said that before the surgery, she could hardly sleep lying down at night. After the surgery, she also stopped coughing at night and had a good nights sleep for the first time in years.

Hainan Chengmei Hospital is planned and constructed with international high standards, and is operated and managed based on the international modern hospital service model. Professor Yu Shuyong has been engaged in minimally invasive treatment for thyroid disorders for over 30 years, accumulating experience from thousands of cases of minimally invasive thyroid surgeries. Sometimes, there are more than a dozen patients with thyroid nodules who come to him for minimally invasive surgery on the same day.

Introduction of the expert

Hainan Chengmei Hospital

Hainan Chengmei Hospital is located in the Haikou West Coast New Area, Hainan Province. It covers a total construction area of 51,191 square meters, with a total investment of over 1 billion yuan. The hospital is equipped with various types of high-end wards, totaling 198 sets. The hospital introduces the service concept of international "3H" hospital (HOSPITAL - medical technology specialization, HOTEL - hotel standard service, HOME - space with home experience), designed, constructed, operated and managed with international JCI standard, gathering domestic and foreign high-quality medical and expert resources, characterized by specialized, precision, unique, and innovative medical technology services, which is committed to providing high-quality medical and health management services for high-end individuals and overseas residents with a one-stop, full-process, integrated, personalized, precise, minimally invasive, and membership-based approach.

Next and picture from Liang Shan