What are the most important health concerns for dads of different ages? 

Release time:2024-06-17
Health management experts from Hainan Cancer Hospital International Medical Department - Hainan Chengmei Hospital share health guidelines and physical examination guidance for fathers of different ages. 

A fathers love is like a mountain, and his love has no words

Its not just love that fathers hide

And the pain of hard work

Caring for your father starts with paying attention to his health

Help him detect potential health problems early

Proceed science-based prevention and management

Obesity, three highs, chest tightness, increased night urination, poor urination ...... Fathers of different age groups may face different disease problems and have different needs in terms of health.

Health management experts from Hainan Cancer Hospital International Medical Department - Hainan Chengmei Hospital share health guidelines and physical examination guidance for fathers of different ages.

Fathers under the age of 35

Fathers under the age of 35 are in their prime, and their careers are in full swing. While pursuing career success, they also need to face the heavy pressure of work and trivial matters at home, which makes them prone to long hours of sedentary work, irregular diet, chaotic work and rest, and even prolonged sleep deprivation.

In the long run, the bodys fatigue gradually accumulates, immunity gradually declines, gastrointestinal function is weakened, and a variety of health problems such as poor digestion, constipation, abdominal pain and bloating, back pain, etc. come one after another.

Health guides

Regular routine

Arrange work and life reasonably, adhere to regular work and rest habits, ensure sufficient sleep. At the same time, actively participate in physical exercise to keep your body active and full of energy.

Take care of your spleen and stomach

Focus on eating regularly, having three meals at regular intervals, combining meals reasonably, and ensuring balanced nutrition.

Recommendations for medical examinations

During physical examinations, you need to pay special attention to gastrointestinal and cervical lumbar spine health conditions; dads who often go out to eat and socialize also need to pay attention to Helicobacter pylori, alcohol metabolism, Hepatitis B and other diseases.

Middle-aged fathers aged 35-50

As the years go by, busy work and frequent social activities expose many fathers to health hazards such as high blood sugar, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc., and their physical functions gradually deteriorate.

Health guides

Release stress

In the face of stress, the first step is to ensure adequate rest and sleep. Maintain a good mindset, you can release physical fatigue and stress through exercise.

Break bad habits

Smoking, drinking, etc. can provide short-term stress relief, but they are extremely harmful to your health in the long run.

Focus on bone health

The human bodys bone mass peaks around the age of 35 and is then gradually lost. Therefore, middle-aged fathers are advised to undergo regular check-ups for bone density, 25-hydroxy-vitamin D and bone metabolism, and to focus on calcium supplementation in their lives by consuming more calcium-rich foods such as eggs and milk, and sunbathing appropriately in order to prevent osteoporosis.

Recommendations for medical examinations

Special attention should be paid to screening for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diseases of the reproductive system and tumours such as fatty liver, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, cervical spondylosis, kidney stones and bowel cancer.

In addition, lung examinations are particularly important, especially for smokers and those who are exposed to secondhand smoke, in order to detect lung disease and treat underlying health problems.

Middle-aged and older fathers aged 50 to 65

Fathers in this age group show signs of deterioration in their bodily functions, and their immune systems are further weakened, making them more vulnerable to disease.

Health guides

Reasonable diet

In terms of diet, more attention should be paid to balanced nutrition. Reduce your intake of foods high in fat and cholesterol and increase the proportion of vegetables and rough fibre foods.

Moderate exercise

Recommended choices such as walking, radio gymnastics, tai chi and other soothing forms of exercise that can strengthen the body without being too strenuous.

Recommendations for medical examinations

Fathers in this age group should have regular and thorough medical check-ups. Particular attention needs to be paid to the development of chronic diseases. Cardiac ultrasound, carotid ultrasound, CT scanning of the head, atherosclerosis monitoring and intracranial Doppler flowmetry are recommended, and further screening for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as coronary artery MRA/CTA, thoracic aorta MRA, and cranial MRI + MRA, are performed when necessary.

In addition, pulmonary function tests, fecal occult blood tests, faecal calprotectin, anal finger testing, abdominal ultrasound, thyroid ultrasound, urinary tract ultrasound, serum PSA tests, and tumour marker tests are also necessary.

For fathers with a family history of gastrointestinal polyps, gastric or colorectal cancer, or symptoms such as bloating, belching, feeling of fullness, diarrhoea, constipation, or blood in the stools, a gastro-enteroscopy is recommended to screen for the risk of colonic gastrointestinal pathology.

Elderly fathers over 65

Fathers entering their 65th year have quietly entered the later years of their lives.

Health guides

Embrace the simple life

For older fathers, it is important to let go of excessive worries and concerns, and allow both the body and mind to fully relax and rest so that they can better fight off illnesses.

Enjoy the "slow" life

Follow the changes of seasons, and organize your diet and exercise accordingly. Do not overeat to avoid overburdening your body; do not over-exercise to prevent physical injuries. At the same time, maintain emotional stability, avoid impatience and tension, and enjoy the peace and pleasure of "slow life".

Recommendations for medical examinations

Fathers over the age of 65 should have a comprehensive medical check-up once a year, instead of having a focused check-up, with particular emphasis on comprehensive screening for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and tumors.

For people with three highs, it is especially important to focus on screening for cardiovascular disease (e.g. coronary MRA/CTA, thoracic aorta MRA, cranial MRI + MRA, etc.).

Bone densitometry (osteoporosis risk assessment) and ear, nose and throat examinations (hearing tests, screening for ear and throat disorders) are also important.

It should also be reminded that abnormalities detected during the physical examination need to come back to the hospital for a single review in 3 to 6 months.

Expert warning

Individuals are different, and their physical conditions are also different. It is suggested that fathers should go to professional medical institutions and choose targeted physical examination items under the guidance of professional doctors to obtain scientific and professional diagnosis, treatment and health guidance.

Hainan Chengmei Hospital

Hainan Chengmei Hospital is located in the Haikou West Coast New Area, Hainan Province. It covers a total construction area of 51,191 square meters, with a total investment of over 1 billion yuan. The hospital is equipped with various types of high-end wards, totaling 198 sets. The hospital introduces the service concept of international "3H" hospital (HOSPITAL - medical technology specialization, HOTEL - hotel standard service, HOME - space with home experience), designed, constructed, operated and managed with international JCI standard, gathering domestic and foreign high-quality medical and expert resources, characterized by specialized, precision, unique, and innovative medical technology services, which is committed to providing high-quality medical and health management services for high-end individuals and overseas residents with a one-stop, full-process, integrated, personalized, precise, minimally invasive, and membership-based approach.

Top-level medical resources package of Chengmei Health

The First Chengmei Medical Group has specifically allocated top-level medical resources to provide service guarantees for high-quality health management. Its dedicated effort to create a strategic layout of "two regions, three hospitals, and an integrated network" encompasses three major medical platforms: Hainan Chengmei Hospital, Hainan Cancer Hospital, and Boao Super Hospital. These platforms integrate medical service resources for disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and health management.

The medical platform not only has imported over a thousand sets of international high-end medical equipment from the United States, Germany, and Israel, with 40% of them being exclusively introduced in Hainan, but also has leading talents in the domestic medical field from Beijing, Tianjin, and other locations, as well as medical elites from Europe, the United States, Japan, and other countries. It has established cooperative relationships with more than a hundred distinguished professors from renowned domestic tertiary hospitals such as Bejing Union Medical College Hospital, Beijing Hospital, Tianjin Cancer Hospital, and Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center. The platform has also hired expert teams from renowned hospitals worldwide, including Mayo Clinic and MD Anderson Cancer Center, for online and offline support. Moreover, it synchronously adheres to the international pharmaceutical market, providing legitimate and compliant "special authorization import" services for international new drugs.

With the advancement of medical technology, many hereditary diseases in families and chronic diseases in middle-aged and elderly people, including malignant tumors, can be significantly reduced or completely eliminated through professional and systematic health management, allowing for early intervention and prevention of the onset of these diseases.

Advanced medical facility

Distinctive examination project


Non-invasive coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)

(Non-invasive coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) for cardiovascular health screening, without the need for contrast agents, provides safe and radiation-free screening for the prevention of sudden cardiac arrest, with unique value in risk prediction and early prevention.)


Early screening at the molecular level for tumors

(Including lung cancer, colorectal cancer, liver cancer, thyroid cancer, bladder cancer, cervical cancer, breast cancer, etc.)


Brain health screening for Alzheimers disease


Accurate whole-gene testing

(Note: Part of the image came from Internet, if any infringement, it would be deleted immediately)

Editor/Chen Lin