Chengmei Health | Staying up late to watch soccer matches? Be cautious of your liver showing a “red card”, here's how you can alleviate it

Release time:2024-07-09
As the UEFA Euro 2024 football tournament proceeds with great fervor, the passion among fans has reached its peak. Due to time differences, many fans choose to stay up late to watch the games.

However, lurking behind the excitement of staying up late to watch the games is a potential threat to health, particularly liver health. To address this concern, we specifically interviewed Dr. Chen Gang, the director of Ward I of the Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery Department at Hainan Cancer Hospital, hoping to offer some health advice to the broad foot fans.

Chen Gang  Chief Physician

Director of Ward I, Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery Department

Supervisor for master candidates

Doctor of Medicine (Surgery)  Postdoctoral Researcher



Hello, Director Chen!

Why does staying up late to watch football games potentially harm the liver?


The impact of staying up late on the liver can be primarily understood through three aspects.

Firstly, the liver is an important organ for detoxification in the human body, and nighttime is a critical period for the liver to undergo self-repair and detoxification. Long-term staying up late can disrupt the biological clock and affect the normal function of the liver.

Secondly, staying up late is usually accompanied by irregular eating habits, such as binge eating, consuming high-fat and high-sugar foods or drinking alcohol, all of which increase the burden on the liver.

Lastly, lack of sleep leads to a decline in immune function, increasing the risk of liver infections.



During the late-night matches, how can fans protect their liver health while enjoying the games?


There are several suggestions that can help fans protect their liver health while enjoying the fun of watching the games.

Firstly, Strive to maintain a regular schedule. Although watching matches may require staying up late, one can compensate by sleeping during the day to balance the total amount of sleep.

Secondly, pay attention to a healthy diet, avoid high-fat and high-sugar foods, and opt for light meals rich in vitamins and minerals.

Thirdly, refrain from excessive alcohol consumption, as the harm alcohol does to the liver is direct and significant.

Lastly, engage in appropriate physical exercise to strengthen the body and enhance immunity.



You mentioned that diet significantly affects liver health. Could you elaborate on some healthy food options suitable for consumption during late-night football viewing?


When staying up late to watch football, you can choose snacks that are both satisfying and nutritious. For instance, fruits and nuts make excellent choices, being rich in vitamins and minerals that can help replenish energy and nutrients. Low-fat yogurt and whole-grain biscuits are also good alternatives, offering health benefits while keeping you feeling full. Additionally, sipping on warm water or light tea can help keep your body hydrated, avoiding sugary drinks or energy beverages that could negatively impact your health.



For fans who already experience liver discomfort, do you have any suggestions?


If fans experience symptoms of liver discomfort  indicative after staying up late to watch soccer games, including fatigue, lack of appetite, or dull pain in the upper right abdomen, it is advised to seek medical attention promptly for a thorough examination.

In daily life, more attention should be paid to liver maintenance, avoiding staying up late again, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and taking some liver-protecting medications or supplements as appropriate, but it’s imperative that any such action is taken under the guidance of a healthcare professional.



Thank you for your professional advice, Director Chen. Finally, do you have any special words of caution for the broad fans?


While football matches are indeed captivating, ones health is paramount

I hope that while enjoying the UEFA Euro, fans will arrange their work and rest schedules reasonably, pay attention to their diet, and protect their liver health. After all, only with a healthy body can one better appreciate every splendid moment in life.

Director Chen Gang also specifically reminds that staying up late to watch soccer while eating barbecue and drinking beer could potentially be more harmful, and may even induce severe health issues such as acute pancreatitis.

Moreover, staying up late to watch soccer not only affects the liver but can also pose health risks to the heart, gastrointestinal system, eyes, and more.

Expert Introduction

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Written by Liang Shan