Chengmei Health|How to Eat Fruit without Sugar, Experts Say So 

Release time:2024-07-17
On hot summer days, all kinds of fruits fill the shelves, colourful, and very attractive. However, diabetics are both fond of and afraid of fruits, for fruits are sweet and their blood sugar level will rise again if they can't control themselves; so can diabetics eat fruits? What are the precautions for diabetics when eating fruits? 

Eat fruits between meals

For diabetics, it is not recommended to consume fruits before or immediately after meals, because meals already provide a certain amount of calories. Eating fruits at this time can make blood sugar levels rise more easily and persistently. So eating fruits between meals is a definition in terms of time.

What fruits should they eat

It is recommended to eat fruits with a lower glycemic index, which have a relatively lower impact on blood sugar levels. For example, apples, guavas, pears, grapes, wax apples, and other low-calorie fruits. These fruits are not only delicious but also contain a certain amount of pectin, which would not make blood sugar levels rise too quickly.

In addition, watermelon is a very good fruit for relieving heat in summer. Although it is low in calories, with 25kcal per 100g, it contains only simple sugars. Therefore, once you eat watermelon, although the overall sugar content is not high, it can cause blood sugar levels to rise very quickly, leading to fluctuations in blood sugar. So, for beverages like watermelon juice, it is recommended to consume them cautiously. Even if you do consume them, be sure to pay attention to the amount, as the quantity is very important.

Pay attention to the amount of fruit consumed

Diabetics can eat any kind of fruit, but they must pay attention to the amount. Diabetics should explore their own experience and monitor their blood sugar levels. For example, what was the blood sugar level before eating any fruit, and what is the blood sugar level after eating half an apple? Based on your own situation, determine the amount of fruit to consume so that you can enjoy the deliciousness of the fruit without causing your blood sugar to rise too much. After consuming a certain amount of fruit, it is recommended to engage in some physical activity if conditions permit.

In addition, it is recommended to eat more foods high in fiber while consuming fruits. This can prevent the rapid absorption of sugars in fruits, including simple and double sugars, and thus reduce their impact on blood sugar levels.

For diabetics, apart from paying attention to the intake of sugar from fruits, they should also be particularly cautious about their daily diet. Regarding the daily diet of diabetics, Hou Zeling, an endocrinologist at Hainan Chengmei Hospital, recommends the following four points.


For three meals a day, it is recommended to have a fixed amount of staple food (roughly estimated as the size of one fist), a fixed amount of meat, eggs, fish, and other non-vegetarian dishes (roughly estimated as the size of one palm), and a larger portion of vegetables (roughly estimated as the size of two fists). Vegetables have a high fiber content and, combined with meat, eggs, fish, and other non-vegetarian dishes, can increase feelings of fullness and delay the conversion of staple foods into sugar, thereby achieving the goal of lowering postprandial blood sugar levels.


For normal individuals, the energy supplied by carbohydrates such as rice and noodles accounts for approximately 50%-60% of their total daily caloric intake. For diabetics, it is recommended that the energy supplied by carbohydrates such as rice and noodles accounts for approximately 50%-55% of their total daily caloric intake. Looking at these data, the intake of high-starch foods such as rice and noodles is basically the same for diabetics as for normal individuals, with only a 5%-10% reduction. Therefore, it is not advisable to consume too little or even no staple food. What we should do is to eat staple food while also incorporating a sufficient amount of vegetables and a fixed amount of non-vegetarian dishes.


It is recommended to eat staple foods such as brown rice, seven-color rice, etc. If you dont like them, you can eat white rice, noodles, steamed buns, pancakes, dumplings, etc. As long as you pair each meal with enough vegetables and a fixed amount of meat, eggs, and fish, your postprandial blood sugar levels will remain stable.


The lowest blood sugar levels occur during midnight. To avoid hypoglycemia at night, especially for patients who have been injecting insulin for a long time or have poor islet cell function, it is recommended to eat a small amount of satisfying snacks such as biscuits, dumplings, steamed buns, steamed stuffed buns, sweet potatoes, etc. before bedtime. However, it is necessary to control the amount, such as three pieces of biscuits, two dumplings, two bites of steamed bun, or half a small sweet potato, so that we can safely pass through midnight.

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