For Medicine and Education: Building Dreams and Nurturing Talent | Hainan Chengmei Hospital held a Teachers' Day commendation meeting

Release time:2024-09-11
9.10 | Teachers' Day

Spring breezes and rain nourish the heart, and the grace of teaching leaves a lasting fragrance with fruitful results. On the afternoon of September 9, in honor of the 40th Teachers Day, Hainan Cancer Hospital and Hainan Chengmei Hospital held a grand Teachers Day commendation meeting. A group of outstanding teaching and research offices, teachers, and mentors who have performed excellently in medical education and teaching work were commended.

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Education is the foundation of a century-old plan. As a non-directly affiliated hospital of Hainan Medical University, Hainan Cancer Hospital always follows the development pace of Hainan Medical University and adheres to the development strategy of science and education. It aims at cultivating high-quality medical talents and pays great attention to the coordinated development of medical care, teaching, and research, comprehensively improves scientific research capabilities and levels, strengthens teachers, improves quality, focuses on key areas, and establishes and improves the teaching management system. The hospitals teaching management has made great progress.

Currently, our hospital cooperates with 9 universities and colleges in 14 majors to jointly build training bases, admitting an average of over 150 interns each year. At the same time, the hospital has built various scientific research platforms such as central laboratories, academician team innovation centers, clinical medical research centers for liver diseases and liver critical illnesses, and clinical trial centers for tumor digital therapy; Breakthroughs are continually achieved in the success bidding rates of major scientific and technological planning projects in the province, national natural science funds, provincial natural science funds, and scientific and technological innovation projects continue; oncology and nuclear medicine have been rated as Class I clinical key specialties in Hainan Province, and breast surgery, radiotherapy, gastrointestinal surgery, respiratory medicine, and gastroenterology have advanced to the advanced level in the province.

Shi Yaohui, Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive President of Hainan Cancer Hospital and President of Hainan Chengmei Hospital, extended sincere greetings to all the teachers and educators in the hospital on behalf of the hospitals Party committee and administrative leadership team. He expressed profound respect for the dedicated staff working in teaching roles both within and outside the hospital and offered warm congratulations to the outstanding individuals and groups receiving awards.

Shi Yaohui fully affirmed the achievements of the hospital in educational work. He said that the hospital is currently at a critical period of rapid development, and only by building a high-level teaching hospital can it better promote the high-quality development of the hospital. He hopes that all teaching teachers will take advanced examples as role models, integrate the benevolence of doctors with the great love of teachers, treat their careers with reverence, and care for students with affection. They should adhere to fostering people with ideals and skills, and be the inheritors, leaders, and models of medical education, continuously providing talent for the medical cause.

Liu Yuehong, deputy director of the Hainan Cancer Hospital, announced the commendation decision. Leaders of the board and hospital leaders presented awards to the winners of outstanding teaching and research offices, outstanding teachers, outstanding mentors, most beautiful teachers, and the teaching rounds competition.

Excellence deserves to be extolled, and glory deserves to be remembered. Wu Xiaoli, director of the Rehabilitation Medicine Teaching Department of Hainan Cancer Hospital, shared her experience on behalf of the outstanding teaching and research offices. She said that rehabilitation medicine is a highly practical discipline. The department insists on closely combining talent cultivation with disciplinary development, and combining department culture with talent training, striving to create a good environment for fostering talent.

Dr. Wang Xiuqing of the Department of Respiratory Medicine and Pulmonary Oncology Endoscopy shared the gains and growth from preparing and participating in the teaching rounds competition.

Once bathed in the apricot rain, forever grateful to the teacher. Guo Qiyong, Acting Chairman of the Board of the Hainan Cancer Hospital, extended holiday greetings and sincere thanks to all the faculty and staff of the hospital. He said that medical education is related to life and health, and also related the development of the country and the nation. As the intersection of the dual identities of medical professionals and teachers, medical teachers have special noble connotations and bear special sacred missions.

Guo Qiyong emphasized that medical teaching runs through the entire process of medical talent cultivation and growth, and is closely related to disciplinary construction and talent development. It is the original driving force for the high-quality development of the hospital. As a non-directly affiliated hospital of Hainan Medical University, the Hainan Cancer Hospital undertakes certain teaching tasks. The hospital should adhere to the principle of mutual promotion between teaching and learning, actively explore new models of medical education, promote the integration of scientific research and teaching, and improve the quality and efficiency of medical services. It aims to make new and greater contributions to safeguarding peoples health and promoting the high-quality development of the hospital.

At the commendation meeting, Jia Bin, director of the Office of Reform and Development Policy Research of Hainan Medical University, comprehensively interpreted the measures to achieve high-quality development through deepening reform of Hainan Medical University, with the theme of "Promoting High-Quality Development of the School through Reform".

Leaders of the Hainan Cancer Hospital and Hainan Chengmei Hospital, as well as department directors and head nurses attended the commendation meeting. The meeting was presided over by Yang Shufen, deputy director of the Hainan Cancer Hospital.

List of Award Winners

01 Best Mentors

Nursing Group

Radiotherapy Department, Nursing Unit of Fourth Ward Area    Feng Qiang

Sterile Supply Room    Qiu Liu

Gastrointestinal Surgery, Nursing Unit of Second Ward Area    Kuang Xiangyu

Medical Oncology, Nursing Unit of First Ward Area    Ou Kaiya

Nursing Unit of Interventional Department/Urology Department    Shi Hongxin

Medical Group

Rehabilitation Medicine Department    Wang Lun

Department of Medical Laboratory    Yao Chengwei

Nuclear Medicine Department    Meng Fansheng

Pathology Department    Li Xuebin

Medical Affairs Department    Fu Jing

02 Winning Teams of Teaching Rounds Competition

Nursing Group

First Prize

Gastrointestinal Surgery, Nursing Unit of Second Ward Area

Second Prize

Department of Respiratory Medicine/Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Oncology Endoscopy Nursing Unit

Nursing Unit of Hainan Tumor Hospital Operating Room

Third Prize

Thoracic Surgery, Nursing Unit of First Ward Area

Radiotherapy Department, Nursing Unit of First Ward Area

Neurosurgery/Osteosarcoma Department

Medical Group

First Prize

Respiratory Medicine/Pulmonary Oncology Endoscopy Department

Second Prize

Hematology Department

Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Third Ward Area

Third Prize

Multidisciplinary Treatment Center for Geriatrics

Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, First Ward Area

Medical Oncology, Second Ward Area

03 Outstanding Teachers

Department of stomatology    Chen Qiuye

Department of Medical Laboratory    Hu Junjie

Nursing Department    Jiang Bei

Chengmei Outpatient Nursing Unit    Lin Biling

04 Outstanding Mentors

Department of Medical Laboratory    Chen Xinping

Department of Respiratory Medicine/Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Endoscopy    Dong Wen

Gastroenterology Department    Zhao Xinkai

Neurosurgery Department    Li Changyu

05 Outstanding Teaching Departments

Nursing Teaching Department

Rehabilitation Medicine Teaching Department

06 Speeches by Award Winners

Rehabilitation Medicine Department

Wu Xiaoli

Department of Respiratory Medicine/ Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Oncology Endoscopy    Wang Xiuqing

07 Group Photo

Written by | Huang Fei

Photographed by | Li Hongyi

Edited by | Chen Lin