Chengmei Health | World First Aid Day—These Essential Skills Could Save Lives

Release time:2024-09-14
World First Aid Day

The second Saturday of September each year is designated as “World First Aid Day,” aimed at raising global awareness of the importance of first aid knowledge. The goal is to equip more people with life-saving skills, allowing them to provide immediate help in emergencies and reduce the severity of injuries.

September 14, 2024, marks the 25th "World First Aid Day," with the theme “First Aid and Sports.”

Life is full of sudden accidents—

Cardiac arrest, airway obstruction, burns…

Do you know how to respond with proper first aid

when faced with these emergencies?

Let’s learn some essential first aid skills together↓↓↓

First aid refers to the immediate, initial care provided to an injured or ill person before professional medical personnel arrive, typically during accidents, sudden illnesses, or disasters. The first few minutes are critical and are known as the “Golden 4 Minutes.” If effective first aid is administered during this period, it significantly increases the chances of survival.

01 Cardiac Arrest – Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

CPR: Act Fast in the Golden 4 Minutes

See here

02 Airway Obstruction – Heimlich Maneuver

Airway Obstruction: Never Pat the Back!

See here

03 Burns – Remember the Five Key Steps

Burns: Don’t Apply Toothpaste or Soy Sauce

See here

04 Sprain – Follow the "RICE Principle"

Sprains: Avoid Heat Therapy

See here

05 Fractures – Five Key First Aid Rules

Fractures: Do Not Move the Patient

See here

06 Emergency Bleeding – Three Methods for Stopping Bleeding

Emergency Bleeding Control: See Here

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Editor | Huang Fei