Cherish Scalpels Carefully like Steel Guns

Release time:2022-05-19
"Although I am retired from active duty, the responsibility and glory of being a soldier has always inspired me.” Speaking of exciting part, Yu Shuyong habitually clenched his right hand together and raised it in front of his forehead, and waved it hard: "As a soldier, the military force can not be lost!”

Yu Shuyong is the former Vice President of 187 Hospital of Hainan Military Region, an expert who enjoys military special allowance, and after he retired from active duty in 2017, he was appointed as the Vice President of Hainan Cancer Hospital, and is currently the Executive Vice President of Hainan Chengmei Hospital in the mean time.

Althoug he has retired, the green color in his heart will never fade. In his new position, Yu Shuyong continued to write the character of a soldier with his superb medical skills and the benevolence of being responsible for patients, and won the May 1st Labor Medal of Hainan Province in 2022.

Pursue | the soldier dream rooting in his heart

In 1984, at the age of 18, Yu Shuyong entered the First Military Medical University of the Peoples Liberation Army with excellent grades, realizing his dream of being a soldier that was rooted in his heart since his childhood.

Join the military, to act his passion and sincerity to protect the county; be a doctor, to save lives and help the wounded with the kindness of his medical heart .

During his military career, Yu Shuyong roamed the sea of books and studied medical skills hard, always adhering to a sincere military heart of "serving the people" and fulfilled the "patient-centered" medical responsibility

Yu Shuyong has created extraordinary achievements in gastrointestinal surgery and thyroid treatment and become a well-known expert in laparoscopic minimally invasive gastrointestinal and ultra-minimally invasive thyroid treatment in Hainan Province. At the age of 34, as the youngest doctor in the Guangzhou Military District at that time, he was promoted to senior specialist.

In the rough waves of the South China Sea, he carries heavy medical equipment and medicines on his back, walking through the islands and reefs, escorting the health of the military and civilians guarding the islands.

Yu Shuyong has won many military medical achievements and scientific and technological progress awards, and has been honored as an excellent science and technology worker in Guangzhou Military Region and Hainan Province, receiving second-class merit for one time and third-class merit for many times.

Thirty-year merits have all turned into dust and dirt. Yu Shuyong does not forget his original intention, always try to realize the dream rooted in his heart with the toughness and glory of a soldier.

Enthusiasm|Cherish Scalpels Carefully like Steel Guns

Weapons are a second life of soldiers. As an excellent surgical expert, the scalpel is the second life of Yu Shuyong.

Those who are familiar with Yu Shuyong know that he is an unapologetics "Geek" and specializes in his own discipline even enter a fanatical state. Colleagues joked that every time they walked into Yu Shuyongs office, he must be watching the image of endoscopic surgery technology at home and abroad.

In order to make his technology more specialized and refined, Yu Shuyong not only insists on watching the surgical image of other experts every day, but also watches the major operations he has done repeatedly to continuously improve his surgical skills.

"Doctor is a profession that requires constant learning.” Yu Shuyong loves his position, and cherishes scalpels more like soldiers cherish steel guns. "With the continuous development of medical technology, doctors, especially surgeons, must continue to learn, innovate and improve in order to use the latest medical technology to benefit patients," he said.

Over several years, Yu Shuyong has gone to various famous medical institutions in China for further study, and was sent to Europe, Japan and other developed countries to learn new medical technology, becaming the first person in thyroid tumor ultra-minimally invasive in Hainan Province.

It is this spirit of learning for decades that has driven Yu Shuyong to lead his team......from multi-hole laparoscopy to single-hole laparoscopy, from ordinary laparoscopy to naked-eye 3D laparoscopy ...... they are always leading Hainan, and even in the first line of new technologies in China.

Focus|Operate very surgery with care and attention

In 2017, Yu Shuyong retired from active duty and joined Hainan Cancer Hospital.

Althoug he has retired, the green color in his heart will never fade. Upholding the virtual and style of a soldier, relying on the hospitals soft and hard strength, Yu Shuyong created a number of "first" technology in the history of Hainan tumor treatment.

Yu Shuyong is clear that every surgery is like a "battle" without smoke and mirrors, and only by doing our best to remove the "enemy" - the tumor completely, can we save the patients life to the maximum.

Yu Shuyong said with an instance, the success of gastric cancer surgery lies in clearing the surrounding lymph node tissues, and the cleaner the clearing, the lower the patients recurrence rate and the higher the post-operative survival and quality of life.

As required by Domestic Medical Guidelines, radical surgery for gastric cancer be performed with more than 16 lymph nodes will be recognized as compliance, but Yus team insists on achieving the ultimate in gastric cancer surgery, with more than 40 to 50 lymph nodes cleared, sometimes more than 100.

The physician who works with Yu Shuyong introduced that stomach cancer surgery not only requires fine work, but also challenges their technology. After decades of experience, Yu Shuyong has been able to use his scalpel in the realm of "human and knives as a whole ", and can "peel" the lymph nodes adhering to the mesentery, blood vessels and other parts of the body bit by bit without hurting the normal tissue.

Many of the gastric cancer patients treated by Yu Shuyong have survived for 10 or even 20 years or more.

Under the leadership of Yu Shuyong, he and his team have dominated the laparoscopic technology competition held in Hainan for years. Due to the outstanding skills of the team, the first national single-port laparoscopic training base was officially settled in Hainan Cancer Hospital in December 2021.

Commitment|Dedicating our light and heat to the career of cancer prevention and treatment

After retired from active duty, Yu Shuyong served with several positions.

He is a doctor, and at the most, he does more than ten operations a day, and it is common to work continuously for more than ten hours. When treating patients, he is not a family but better than a family, and he will soothe the pain of patients with medical skill and wholly sincerity.

He is leader of the scientific project. The research on "Biosample Bank for High Risk Group of Liver Cancer in Poor Areas of Hainan Province" leaded by him has provided a basic basis for the prevention and treatment of liver cancer in minority areas of the province; the "Research and Application of Key Technology for Gastrointestinal Tumor Screening and Prevention in Hainan Province" led and organized by him has been awarded as "Major Science and Technology Project of Hainan Province in 2020", which has played an active role in promoting the early diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal cancer in the province and even in the country. The Series Research on the Key Technology of New Methods and Equipment for Minimally Invasive Laser Surgery operated by him and his fellow has won the first prize of Scientific and Technological Progress of Hainan Province in 2020.

He is a pioneer in cancer prevention and treatment. After retiring from military service, Yu Shuyong continuously has been promoting academic innovation in tumor prevention and treatment in Hainan Province with his perseverance and pioneering spirit of a soldier. He took the lead in establishing the Hainan Tumor Prevention and Treatment Association. After 4-year development, the association developed more than 1200 members and set up 16 special committees, which major in tumor minimally invasive, tumor precision treatment, etc. The association invites famous experts and scholars from home and abroad every year, through activities such as academic exchanges, surgical observation and teaching, it pave the way for Hainan local experts, especially young technicians, and promote the rapid development of tumor prevention and treatment technology of Hainan Province.

The transition is not a loss of ambition, and retirement is not a loss of military color. More than 30 years of military service has refined Yu Shuyongs character and forged his will.

"Its our mission to save lives and help the wounded, the nature of a soldier, how should it be forgotten?” Yu Shuyong habitually raised his right hand again, waving it hard, firm and dashing.

Originally published: May 16, the Official public account of Hainan Provincial Veterans Affairs Department