Hainan Chengmei Hospital Held Activity on World Blood Donor Day

Release time:2022-06-15
June 14 is the 19th World Blood Donor Day. On that day, Hainan Chengmei Hospital organized a publicity campaign with the theme "Blood donation is an act of solidarity; join us to save lives", calling for more people to save lives through voluntary blood donation, transmitting positive social energy and creating a strong atmosphere of blood donation.

Yu Shuyong, Executive Vice President of Hainan Chengmei Hospital, Zheng Yin and Song Xiaodong, Vice Presidents of the hospital, as well as medical and nursing staff from various departments participated in the activity.

Publicity and consultation points were set up at the activity site to further raise the awareness of the whole society about blood donation by hanging banners, distributing brochures, displaying graphic panels and offering consultation to the public.

In his speech in the activity, Song Xiaodong said that with the continuous improvement of medical standards, the demand for clinical blood has also been increasing. As a noble social cause, we hope that more people will pay attention to voluntary blood donation, so that more people can join the blood donation team and carry forward the spirit of "selfless dedication" to make a greater contribution to health and life protection.

Yang Xianwu, head of the blood bank of Hainan Chengmei Hospital, introduced the preparations for the hospitals blood bank and the knowledge of blood donation, promoting the importance and significance of blood donation and the preferential policies enjoyed by blood donors.

According to the introduction, based on regulations on blood donation in Hainan, medical institutions shall give priority to citizens who participate in blood donation in Hainan and their spouses, parents and children, and shall reduce or waive all or part of the blood costs in accordance with the regulations, provided that clinical emergency blood use is guaranteed. Meanwhile, it is also stipulated that those who participate in blood donation in Hainan and win relevant national awards can enjoy exemption from outpatient registration fees and consultation fees in public medical institutions, admission fees to scenic spots invested by state-owned funds, and free rides on public buses in the province.

More than 400 copies of publicity materials were distributed, which not only popularized the knowledge of blood donation, but also deepened the understand of the importance of safe blood and inspired the general public to donate blood.

Text and pictures from Fei Huang and Li Hongyi