Hainan Chengmei Hospital Conveyed and Studied the Spirit of the Eighth Party Congress of the Province

Release time:2022-06-06
On June 1, combined with the actual work of the hospital, Hainan Cancer Hospital and Hainan Chengmei Hospital organized middle-level and above cadres and all party members to operate in-depth study of the spirit of the Eighth Party Congress of the province.

Shi Yaohui, Party Secretary and Executive President of Hainan Cancer Hospital, President of Hainan Chengmei Hospital, organized to convey, study and implement the spirit of the Eighth Provincial Party Congress article by article with the central theme of the meeting and closely linked to the actual situation of hospital development.

Shi Yaohui said, the Eighth Provincial Party Congress is a very important meeting held in the key moment that everyone in the province studying and implementing the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinpings visit to Hainan, and accelerating the construction of the free trade port, which is a major event in the political life of the province.

"In General Secretary Xi Jinpings planing, deploying, and promoting, the progress of Hainan Free Trade Port construction is obvious, the overall advancement is strong and orderly. The provinces understanding of the development of Hainan in the new era is becoming increasingly clear, the provincial party committee in-depth summary and systematic overview of the formation of a strategic framework of one foundation, three bases, four beams and eight pillars .” Shi Yaohui asked everyone to deeply understand the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinpings series of important speeches and instructions on the development of Hainan, and focus on the theme of the Eighth Party Congress of the province. Combining with the provinces health work requirements and the actual hospital development, he made a comprehensive and systematic explanation of the main content of the Eighth Party Congress of the province report.

"Its our main goal and task in the medical field to study and implement the spirit of the provincial party congress and strive to build a higher level of health island.” Shi Yaohui proposed that the Eighth Party Congress of the province scientifically planned the blueprint for the next five years of development of Hainan, which plays an important guiding role on hospital and personal future development planning. All cadres and staff should study the spirit of the conference with feelings, beliefs and responsibilities, arm their minds with policies, plan their work with the agenda, and promote the work of the hospital to achieve high-quality development.

"It is in the critical year of Hainan to accelerate the construction of the free trade port, the spirit of the Eighth Provincial Party Congress, which offers important significance and mission for health work.” Shi Yaohui stressed that the spirit of the Party Congress should be used as a guide to find the hospitals development position and provide health support and protection for the construction of the free trade port. It is necessary to clarify the "purpose dimension" of health as the ultimate goal of economic and social development and the "functional dimension" of playing a supporting role, actively explore the function of medical service under the background of free trade ports, effectively change the service thinking, and improve the service quality.

Shi Yaohui pointed out health and well-being are the core features of free trade ports with Chinese characteristics, and health achievements are the landmark indicators for Hainan to become "an influential free trade port in the world.” All staff in the hospitals should gather their strength and build a solid health and safety network for the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port. The hospital should actively play the advantages of the system to provide services for the rapid growth of the population size and structural changes of the free trade port. At the same time, as an international hospital, it is necessary to synchronize with the international medical service system and provide international medical service support for the "influential free trade port all over the world".

Shi Yaohui stressed that the report of the Provincial Party Congress repeatedly mentioned that in the next five years, Hainan should build a higher level of health island, which is directly reflected by a higher level of peoples health. Therefore, all medical workers in the hospital should actively participate in the construction of health island to create a more inclusive, safer, better, advanced, efficient and intelligent modern medical service system.

Shi Yaohui said that as the vanguard of tumor prevention and treatment in the province, all staff of the hospital have the responsibility and obligation to contribute to the high-quality development of the health industry of the Free Trade Port. He asked the staff of the hospital to actively implement the construction of "1221" project and take multiple measures to build a solid foundation for promoting the high-quality development of medical services. In the future, the whole hospital will focus on the goal of building a higher level of health island to grasp various tasks, on the basis of the "1221" project, they should fully implement the integrated development strategy of "prevention, treatment and health" of cancer, and effectively perform social welfare functions; standardize hospital management and medical behavior continuously, improve medical quality and ensure medical safety; make every effort to improve the capacity and level of the construction of oncology and geriatrics, and create a plateau and peak of oncology and geriatrics.

Shi Yaohui asked that it is needed to improve the standing, act quickly, and continue to learn and promote the spirit of the Eighth Provincial Party Congress. First, we must well operate organization and leadership; Second, we should well operate systematic learning; Third, we must well operate publicity and propaganda; Fourth, we must strive to achieve practical results. He concluded by emphasizing that all party members and cadres should study and implement the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinpings visit to Hainan, emancipate the mind, pioneer and innovate, unite and struggle, overcome difficulties, effectively unify thoughts and actions to the spirit of the Eighth Party Congress of the province, pool wisdom and strength into the goals and tasks set by the General Assembly, the line is stable and far, thus we should take advantage of the momentum to write a new chapter in the development of the hospital with stricter requirements, higher standards and more realistic initiatives with practical action and excellent results to congratulate the victory of the 20th Party Congress!

Text from Chenlin, and pictures from Li Yiran