Building Safe Hospital to Build a Safe "Firewall", Our Hospital Carried Out Large-scale Fire Combat Exercise

Release time:2022-07-14
Fire safety On the afternoon of July 1, a tense and realistic large-scale fire combat exercise was opened in Hainan Cancer Hospital and Hainan Chengmei Hospital. Shi Yaohui, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the hospital, served as the general commander, and Gao Jihe, Vice President, served as the on-site commander.

This exercise takes sudden fire as simulation scenario. After the discovery of the fire, the department immediately launched the fire fighting and emergency evacuation in accordance with the fire protection plan, and the head of the department reported the fire situation and requested support to the hospital emergency office and the fire control center at the first time. The staff near the fire area immediately formed the first wave of fire fighting force to quickly extinguish the initial fire. However, due to the large fire, it still has a spreading trend. The general commander immediately started the hospital fire emergency treatment procedure.

According to the principle of grouping and grading response, six fire fighting teams including fire fighting operation, communication, safety protection, evacuation guidance, medical rescue and equipment support were all in place, and the fire fighting operation was carried out in an all-round and orderly manner.

With the command of the general command, the prepared groups of personnel were immediately put into fire fighting and emergency evacuation according to their respective tasks.

Hospital mini fire station (Fire Fighting Action Group 2), equipped with gas masks, fire suits, fire axes and other professional fire facilities, quickly arrived at the scene to assist the department to fight the initial fire and reduce losses; The safety protection group arranged safety warnings at the scene to prevent irrelevant personnel from entering the fire site, and is also responsible for dredging fire lanes and guiding fire vehicles to enter; The evacuation guide team carries stretchers, wet towels, glow sticks and other items into the fire site, and quickly transferred the evacuation personnel from the nearest safe passage; The medical rescue team arrived at the safety zone with 120 ambulances to treat and comfort the evacuees; The equipment support team carried professional tools to quickly cut off power to the building and prevent further fire expansion.

After receiving the alarm, the West Coast Residenting Fire Squadron quickly dispatched firefighters and fire engines to the site and took over command of the site in the first instance to carry out the fire rescue work. Under the joint efforts of everyone, the fire was quickly controlled, the fire alarm was discharged, and there were no casualties.

After the fire fighting and emergency evacuation exercise, everyones enthusiasm for learning is lating and increasing, and under the guidance of the firefighters, the field practice correctly used the fire equipment to extinguish the initial fire.

"With strong organization, adequate preparation, standardized evacuation and efficient disposal, we have achieved the expected results of the exercise.” Field commander Gao Jihe fully affirmed the exercise.

In his commenting, Fire Exercise Commander Shi Yaohui stressed that fire safety has always been the top priority of hospital safety work. With the attitude of being responsible for the safety of patients lives, all hospital staff must take the initiative to learn fire safety knowledge, master fire safety skills and perform their duties to create a safe, stable and harmonious working order and medical environment.

Fire safety is not a trivial matter, eliminate hidden dangers with constant attention. Hainan Cancer Hospital and Hainan Chengmei Hospital have always strictly abided by fire safety laws and regulations, the implementation of mandatory fire safety standards, the full implementation of the system of "party and government responsibility, double responsibility, joint management, accountability for dereliction of duty" , and implement the requirements of "manage safety to manage the industry, manage safety to manage the business, manage safety to manage production and operation".

In order to build a solid fire prevention baseline, the hospital constantly establishes and improves the production safety system, regularly revises and improves emergency plans and organizes drills, vigorously strengthens production safety inspections and publicity on a daily basis, constantly strengthens staff emergency response skills, and raises awareness of the "four capabilities" of fire safety.

The hospital organizes fire safety drills many times a year to ensure that in the event of emergencies, the hospital can "summon, fight and win" to protect the life and property safety of hospital staff and patients.

Field atlas

Text from Chen Lin, and pictures from Li Hongyi