Building a Health Consumption System with Chinese Characteristics -- A Side Note of the Second "Global Medical Consumption Forum”

Release time:2023-04-13
Medical Consumption On April 11, the second "Global Medical Consumption Forum (GHCF)", the high-end international supporting forum of China International Consumer Goods Expo 2023, was successfully held in Hainan. Politicians, industry leaders, experts, scholars, and management elites from home and abroad gathered in Haikou to share and discuss on the innovative ideas and needs of medical consumption, providing valuable collective wisdom for exploring the construction of a healthy consumption system with Chinese characteristics.

Science and technology+medical care are contributing to the high-quality development of healthy China

Digital medicine is a new medical style that applies modern digital information technology to the whole medical process. With the rise of a new wave of scientific and technological revolution, the global innovation pattern is undergoing major changes, and the medical consumption industry is not excluded. Shi Yaohui, Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive President of Hainan Cancer Hospital, said that the high degree of integration of digital technology and medical field has spawned a new business form of smart medicine and promoted the development of precision medicine. Hainan First Chengmei Medical Group deeply cultivates the health industry, supports the strategy of healthy China with digital health care, and has initially formed a medical consumer service system with unique characteristics of Hainan Free Trade Port.

He introduced that the hospital will explore international, high-quality medical consumer services based on the "digital medical innovation model", and make greater contributions to healthy Hainan and healthy China.

Shi Yaohui delivered a keynote speech

Experts attending the meeting believed that there is a obvious core trend of consumer medical products with intelligent technology, therefore, more attention should be paid to verifying the product effect through data collection and evidence-based medicine concept, attach importance to the people-oriented product design concept, and meet the needs of medical consumers through the collection of online marketing data.

Xiang Wei, Secretary of the Party branch and Chairman of Hainan Great Health Tourism Group Co., LTD., said that at present, the potential of medical consumption in China is being released, and for Hainan, as a province with dual advantages of geographical location and free trade port policy, "medical health + tourism" has become an important development opportunity for the medical consumption industry. He hopes to make full use of the advantages of Hainans natural resources and policy resources, innovate the model mechanism, integrate and cooperate with the Internet and health big data, coordinate innovation and development, and help healthy China and healthy Hainan develop in high quality.

Caring + healthy source power of enterprise human capital

Employee health determines enterprise productivity. Health, as a powerful guarantee of human capital, has increasingly become the focus of attention of enterprises all over the world. At the roundtable summit Forum, Jiang Huicheng, head of Hainan First Chengmei Medical Group, explained the importance of employee health to enterprise human capital in simple terms combined with his own experience.

Jiang Huicheng believes that paying attention to employee health is focusing the future of the enterprise. Some large enterprises have introduced "Chief Health Officer" and built "health hut” for staff, which shows that health has become the centripetal force of enterprise development. The implement of enterprise health management is to meet the new needs of employees for a better life, put employee health in a strategic position of priority development, and make medical treatment and health reservoir and reserve for enterprise employees to improve quality and efficiency.

"How much a company values the health of its employees would affect their sense of belonging and happiness.” Li Fujun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the National Energy Group Hainan Company, said that in the process of modernization, health is an extremely important strategic resource to carry out modernization, and the only way to support the high-quality development of society.

Jiang Huicheng presided over the round-table forum

Policy + market would promote the construction of characteristic healthy consumption system

Consumption upgrading is the fundamental driving force for the rise of medical consumption. At this stage, under the joint action of consumption upgrading, policy liberalization and capital drive, high-end medical services and health care consumer market have entered a new stage of development.

How to promote the return of international medical consumption with high-quality development has become the focus of discussion. Liu Tongting, Executive Vice President of Boao Super Hospital, shared the practice and exploration of the first trial of licensed pharmaceutical devices in the hospital. He introduced that the hospital bears the landing of the "National Nine Articles" policy, innovates the hospital development model, creates a "1+X" shared hospital platform, and lays a solid foundation for the return of medical consumption.

In combination with the market environment, policy factors, innovative technology and market demand, Xie Fengcai, President of Raffles Medical Group(China), proposed the way to accelerate the integration of the "health + tourism" industry and realize the "double reflux" of medical consumption and medical tourism under the historical new opportunity of the continuous release of the dividend of the free trade port policy and the obvious advantages of medical policy.

Experts and scholars attended the meeting agreed that consumption is not only the end point of the national economic cycle but also a new starting point, and it is the main focus of accelerating the release of domestic demand potential and enhancing the driving force of economic development. With the acceleration of the "healthy China" strategy, "health" has quietly become the main force of consumption upgrading. Hainans favorable destiny and geographical position, coupled with the advantages of the free trade port policy, will certainly provide a driving effect on the construction of a health consumer service system with Chinese characteristics.

Some forum guests took a group photo

Text and pictures from Fei Huang and Li Hongyi