The Harm of Adenomyosis and Uterine Fibroids

Release time:2022-10-10
Uterus is the symbolic organ of the female reproductive system, which produces menstruation, bears the role of pregnancy, endocrine balance with a function of pelvic floor support.

As a result of "multiple roles", it is always surrounded by damage from all directions, a variety of uterine diseases are waiting, such as: uterine fibroids, uterine adenomyosis and endometriosis and other gynecological diseases.

Today, we have invited gynecologists from Hainan Chengmei Hospital to talk about the difference between uterine fibroids and uterine adenomyosis and their harm.

First of all, uterine fibroids and uterine adenomyosis are both very common gynecological diseases, and both occur in the uterus, which are easy to be confused, but in fact, they are two completely different diseases.

Uterine fibroids are benign tumors

Uterine fibroids are a common gynecological benign tumor, formed by the proliferation of smooth muscle tissue of the uterus, can grow in any part of the uterus and can be single or multiple.

According to the growth site of fibroids, it can be divided into uterine fibroids and cervical fibroids. According to the relationship between fibroids and the uterine muscle wall, they can be classified into intermuscular fibroids, subserous fibroids, and submucosal fibroids.

Data shows that, in China, there are 30%-50% women aged 30-60 years suffering from uterine fibroids. Although the vast majority of uterine fibroids are benign, whether uterine fibroids will affect health is closely related to the location and size of growth, which cannot be generalized with a simple standard. In some cases, uterine fibroids do not affect health and do not need to be treated. However, uterine fibroids are more naughty, often grow in various positions, if a fibroid grows under the serous membrane or between the muscle walls leading to uterine enlargement, it may press the rectum or bladder, resulting in various symptoms; If it grows into the uterine cavity, it may cause problems such as increased menstrual volume, infertility, and abortion.

"Non-fatal Cancer”-Adenomyosis

Adenomyosis is not a disease of uterine smooth muscle, but a series of diseases caused by endometrial tissue running from the uterine cavity to the uterine muscle layer, also known as "Non-fatal cancer”.

The uterus is divided into three layers from the inside out. The innermost layer is the soft mucosal tissue, which is the endometrium. Menstruation is formed when the endometrium breaks off and bleeds periodically. The middle is a thick layer of muscle, and the outermost layer is the serous membrane. For various reasons, endometrial tissue may get into the uterine muscle layer to "root and grow", which will cause adenomyosis.

For patients with uerine adenomyosis, for every menstruation, it will proliferate once, but it cannot be discharged out of the body like menstruation, so it has to live in the muscle interstice. Generally, the uterus would be inflated like a balloon. Most of them would become round like a ball, but some are more disciplined and stay like a gout, forming a tumour-like adenomyoma called uterine adenomyoma.

The most typical symptoms of adenomyosis are menstrual disorders and dysmenorrhea. The symptoms of dysmenorrhea will be more serious, even can not be relieved with drugs and would affect patients’ normal life; Menstrual disorders will vary from person to person, some people will have prolonged menstruation, some people’ menstruation will increase, some people would have both symptoms, and serious illness will lead to anemia; for people who want to get pregnant, the implantation of fertilized eggs may be affected by adenomyosis, which would lead to infertility or easy miscarriage further.

The high incidence age of uterine adenomyosis is 30 to 40 years old, for women with no history of dysmenorrhea previously, if progressive aggravation of dysmenorrhea suddenly appear at this age, and accompanied by increased menstrual volume, we should be alarmed by this situation, and go to the hospital in time for specialist examination to see whether it is adenomyosis.

In general, both uterine fibroids and adenomyosis are affected by estrogen. Estrogen can stimulate endometrial tissue growth, also stimulate smooth muscle hyperplasia. Therefore, in general, after menopause, without the influence of estrogen, adenomyosis symptoms can be relieved, and most fibroids no longer grow, or they would shrink.

Traditionally, adenomyosis and uterine fibroids would be treated in the same way in the usual treatment, and a radical cure requires removal of the uterus.

However, for most women, it is difficult to accept the removal of the uterus, after all, a woman without uterus is no longer a "perfect woman". In addition, after the removal of uterus, it will affect the female endocrine, promote the endocrine disorder, and then cause a series of sequelae.

Modern surgery generated from "big invasive" to "minimally invasive", from "minimally invasive" to "non-invasive", which is the inevitable trend of medical development. A treatment without surgery, bloodshed, or damage to normal tissue is no longer a fantasy.

Built and operated with international JCI standards, Hainan Chengmei Hospital has been committed to introducing the most cutting-edge medical technology and equipment at home and abroad. in a few days in the future, a new technology for the safe and non-invasive treatment of adenomyosis and uterine fibroids-high intensity focused ultrasound knife, will be introduced to the hospital. The technique is not only rather safe, provides rapid elimination of clinical symptoms with a short recovery period, but also preserves reproductive function, allowing patients to obtain stable, predictable and timely treatment benefits.

Please contact us for more information.

Dr. Li: 13627558011

Director Li: 13941703136

Warm and comfortable medical environment

Text from Huang Fei