Red Party Banner on "Epidemic" Line- Documentary of Hainan Cancer Hospital and Hainan Chengmei Hospital Supporting Epidemic Prevention and Control

Release time:2022-08-19
Adhere to the original heart of the doctor to practice the mission/fight the current "epidemic", and fully embody the true character of Party members.

In August, weather in Hainan is very changeable. After breaking out of new round of epidemic, the Party Committee of Hainan Cancer Hospital and the Party branch of Hainan Chengmei Hospital actively gave full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of the backbone of Party members in epidemic prevention and control work, and worked together to overcome difficulties and fight the epidemic, so that the Party flag could shine in the front line of the fight against the epidemic.

Start moving as Soon as "epidemic” appears, fulfill the oath of joining the Party

At 21:28 on August 17, the Party member activity group of Hainan Cancer Hospital and Hainan Chengmei Hospital issued a message: According to the deployment of the provincial epidemic prevention and control headquarters, 50 medical staff from our hospital will be deployed to support the epidemic prevention and control work in Haikou and other cities and counties. Party members are now called upon to set an example and well behave ourselves to be pioneers, and use practical actions to enhance the Party flag and add brightness to the Party emblem.

The epidemic is an order. As soon as the message is sent, it immediately "explodes the group". At 21:40 that night, within ten minutes, 50 anti-epidemic places were suddenly "snatched” out. Many Party members who missed the news and did not "grab" the quota were anxious to "make back-door dealing" overnight.

In the spring of 2020, when Wang Haili, a neurosurgical nurse from the Provincial Cancer Hospital, went to the frontline of the epidemic in Jingzhou, Hubei Province, she performed outstanding and joined the Party immediately. After the outbreak of this epidemic, as soon as she had time, she would apply to the "front line". She said: "As a Party member, I have the responsibility and obligation to take a good lead and set an example; As a health care provider, it is my duty to fight the epidemic on the front line. Thats what I thought when I took the initiative to apply to fight the epidemic in Jingzhou.”

Wang Fangfang, head of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of the Provincial Cancer Hospital, although her daily work is very busy, she still insists on fighting the epidemic on the first line. "As a doctor, its my duty and mission, as a Party member, this is a fulfilling of my oath.” she said.

During this period, Wang Tongyuan, a nurse in the Respiratory Department of the Provincial Cancer Hospital, was "depressed". He has fought against the epidemic in Jingzhou, Hubei Province, as a typical example of the epidemic, he became a honored member of Communist Party. But after the outbreak of the new epidemic, he was not very “lucky”. "As long as I am not on duty, I signed up, although reported several times, I have been squeezed out.” Wang Tongyuan was very "indignant" : "I have to go, I must go.”

Join the war against the "epidemic" firstly and bravely to show the characteristics of Party members

Li Chao, Director of the Nutrition Department of the Provincial Cancer Hospital, is a military wife, her child is only 1 year and 2 months old, her husband sticks to his post, and the couple are separated. She left her child to be cared by her family, and went to the first line of nucleic acid sampling with other Party members and backbones of the department for many times. When the author interviewed Li Chao, she refused repeatedly and declined: "I just did what a Party member should do, which is not worth mentioning.”

Since August 9, 15 nucleic acid testing support teams from all over the country have been stationed in Hainan. In order to meet the needs of testing work, 15 shelter laboratories and gas membrane laboratories were quickly built across the province. As a biosafety expert in the provincial pathogenic microbiology laboratory, Chen Xinping, Director of the laboratory of the Provincial Cancer Hospital with 22 years of Party standing, worked day and night tirelessly, running through every new laboratory, conducting safety supervision and acceptance, and contribute to winning the epidemic "sniper war".

Led by Chen Xinping, a number of Party members of the laboratory volunteered to go to Sanya to support nucleic acid testing.

Tian Le, Head Nurse of the Endoscopy Center of Provincial Cancer Hospital, stuck to the line of nucleic acid sampling for six or seven days, he said: "I am a Party member, how can I escape from this duty?”

Facing "epidemic" war, the red Party flag is standing on the frontline of the epidemic

We are on the way to fight against the epidemic. On August 6, Hainan Cancer Hospital and Hainan Chengmei Hospital received the nucleic acid sampling task from the government for the first time, and after the news was released, all the people on leave on the island returned to work, and 287 Party members of the two hospitals rushed to apply.

After the outbreak of the new epidemic, the Party branch of Hainan Chengmei Hospital organized all Party members to take an oath before the "epidemic", and the young Party members of the branch were all engaged in the fight against the epidemic. Li Yan, deputy head nurse of the Multidisciplinary Geriatric Diagnosis and Treatment Center of the hospital, together with her boyfriend, who is also a Party member and works in the hospital, launched an "anti-epidemic competition" and both participated in the frontline fight against the epidemic.

Ma Shiyu and Ma Shiqi from Provincial Cancer Hospital are twin brothers, and also frontline nurses, the two people have fought on the "epidemic" frontline for many times. Not long ago, the two brothers simultaneously wrote applications to join the Party.

On the evening of August 17, the two brothers were both acting quick, and "grabbed" the epidemic prevention and control quota at the quarantine point at the same time. They said, “Although we are not formal Party members, we must submit a qualified "application" to the Party with practical action.

Since the beginning of August, there are a total of thousands of Party members as medical care staff of Hainan Cancer Hospital and Hainan Chengmei Hospital, who adhered to the front line of the fight against the epidemic, completed nucledic acid sampling, nucleic acid testing, personnel flow transfer, etc. of hundreds of thousands of people.

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