Hainan Chengmei Hospital Implemented "Accelerated Rehabilitation" Nursing to Make Patients Benefit from Various Aspects

Release time:2022-05-02
In mid-April, a patient who underwent bilateral total thyroidectomy under general anesthesia in Hainan Chengmei Hospital got out of bed within 4 and a half hours after surgery, and recovered as usual within 3 days.

"The reason why patients recover so quickly after surgery is mainly because of the introduction of nursing concept of accelerated rehabilitation’.” Said by Yu Shuyong, the chief surgeon and Executive Vice President of the hospital.

Medical staff checking the patients situation of recovery

Take patients as our center, innovate nursing service

One month ago, a thyroid tumor was found on 43-year-old Mr. Yus body during a routine physical examination. In order to seek further treatment, Mr. Yu came to Hainan Chengmei Hospital and sought treatment from Professor Yu Shuyong, a well-known thyroid surgery expert in Hainan.

Professor Yu Shuyongs team carefully evaluated Mr. Yus condition and initially diagnosed him as thyroid malignant tumor, which required bilateral total thyroidectomy + unilateral neck lymph node dissection, which was a grade 4 operation. According to routine nursing, generally took the patient about one week to fully recover after surgery. According to information, the hospital has launched the service of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS), through the professional care and training of the nursing team before and after surgery, it greatly shortened the recovery time of patients and reduce the occurrence of postoperative complications.

"The core concept of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery is to help patients regulate their body functions through professional nursing means in the perioperative period, effectively reduce the stress response of patients to surgery, so that patients can achieve rapid rehabilitation after surgery and the occurrence of surgical complications would also be reduced.” Chen Keni, Director of the Nursing Department of Hainan Chengmei Hospital, introduced that the professional nursing team worked closely with the surgical treatment team to implement the full "Enhanced Recovery After Surgery" nursing for Mr. Yu before and after surgery, and achieved the expected purpose.

"Enhanced Recovery" service makes patients benefit from various aspects

Before surgery, based on the patients fear of surgery, the APN(Advanced Practice Nurse) helped Mr. Yu and his family to carry out ideological guidance and health education to eliminate the patients nervousness, anxiety and fear, so that the patient and his family could dispel their worries and cooperate with the treatment with a good and positive attitude; then, combining with the series of problems encountered in the post-operative rehabilitation process, such as bed-ridden urination, coughing and pain, the rehabilitation nurse carried out training item by item through "practical" operations to help the patient reduce or avoid the pain and trouble caused by improper operation or psychological barriers.

The surgery was performed by Prof. Yu Shuyong, and was completed successfully under the close cooperation of the team and in accordance with the surgical plan formulated before the operation.

Thanks to the professional bed urination training before surgery, only 2 hours after the operation, the indwelling urinary was removed from Mr. Yu’s body and he realized autonomous urination. Head Nurse Luo Changjing introduced that without the implementation of nursing of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery, for patients like Mr. Yu, urinary catheters usually need to be left in place for about a day. If the urinary catheter is left in place for more than 6 hours, the risk of urinary tract infection would be highly increased.

Only 4 hours after the operation, Mr. Yu got out of bed and moved independently under the guidance of professional nursing staff, and drank an appropriate amount of water.

Professor Yu Shuyong introduced that the shorter the time a patient spends in bed after surgery and the faster he resumes his activities, the less complications and the faster his recovery will be. Normally, it takes 24 hours to get out of bed for such a major surgery as Mr. Yu got. Thanks to the successful implementation of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery, the patient was helped to achieve a rapid recovery.

“Getting such a big surgery, I didnt even feel much pain.” After the surgery, Mr. Yu couldnt help to expressing his exclamation, "I was prepared to stay in bed for several days, but I really didnt imagine that I could recover in 3 days.

Text and pictures from Huang Fei and Liang Shan