【 World Blood Donation Day 】 Our Hospital Carried out A Series of Publicity Activities for Unpaid Blood Donation

Release time:2023-06-15
June 14, 2023 marks the 20th World Blood Donor Day. In order to advocate the active participation of all sectors of society in unpaid blood donation activities and encourage more healthy people of appropriate age to regularly participate in unpaid blood donation, Hainan Cancer Hospital and Hainan Chengmei Hospital jointly carried out a series of publicity activities of unpaid blood donation.

Blood is an indispensable medical resource and is of important medical value. Every year, there are millions of patients around the world needing blood and relevant products to save their lives. With the increasing demand for blood for medical use, it is urgent for the public to actively participate in unpaid blood donation to ensure adequate blood supply.

"Regular and appropriate blood donation can not only prolong and save the lives of others, but also enhance our immunity and resistance against disease, which is very good for our health.” At the activity site, the medical staff of the Blood Transfusion Department of our hospital patiently explained the knowledge of laws and regulations and the significance of blood donation to the people who came to consult by hanging banners, distributing publicity materials, on-site consultation answering, popularized blood safety knowledge, and vigorously publicized the advanced people of unpaid blood donation and preferential blood return policy, so as to eliminate peoples doubts about blood donation, raise the publics awareness of blood donation and encourage general public of appropriate age to join the team of unpaid blood donation.

Through a series of activities promoting blood donation, the public will be able to understand the significance of unpaid blood donation after we relieving their worries and doubts on blood donation. After learning about the benefits of blood donation, Ms. Lin from Chengmai immediately said she wanted to join the blood donation team. She said, "Donating blood for free could help others, and it is also good for our health, so why not?”

On the same day, the second medical technology branch of the party branch of Hainan Cancer Hospital also organized party members to participate in unpaid blood donation activities.

All along, Hainan Cancer Hospital and Hainan Chengmei Hospital have insisted on organizing medical and nursing staffs to actively participate in unpaid blood donation activities on a regular basis to ensure clinical blood demand with practical actions

Little knowledge about blood donation

Who can donate blood?

The current accepted legal blood donation age of our country is 18 to 55 years old, blood donors need to be in good health, normal weight, blood pressure, the weight requirement is ≧ 50 kg for men and ≧ 45 kg for women; they should have no blood-borne diseases, patients suffering from infectious hepatitis, tuberculosis, heart disease, mental illness and other disease are prohibited from donating blood.

In addition, people with high-risk behaviors for blood safety, such as drug addicts, should not donate blood.

Is there any effect of blood donation on my health?

Currently, there are two types of blood donation in China: whole blood donation and component blood donation. Whole blood donation is the withdrawal of all components of a certain amount of blood, while component blood donation is the withdrawal of only certain components of blood, mainly platelets, and then the rest will be transfused back into donors body. The interval for whole blood donation is half a year, and the interval for component blood donation is 15 days.

According to reports, the blood in the human body is metabolized every second, some cells will age and die. If the blood we donate does not exceed 10% of the total blood volume,it will not do harm to our health. The donation of a normal amount of platelets is not harmless to people, but helps to reduce the blood viscosity and cholesterol in the donors body, thereby speeding up the blood flow rate and promoting human metabolism.

What are the benefits of unpaid blood donation?

When blood donors, their spouses and immediate family members need blood for clinical purposes, they shall enjoy free blood use in accordance with the following provisions: Blood donors shall use blood of 5 times the amount of his/her previous unpaid blood donation within 10 years from the date of blood donation, and use blood of 2 times the amount of the previous unpaid blood donation after 10 years; Blood donors with a total blood donation of more than 1000 ml are given unlimited free blood perpetually. The spouse and immediate family members of a donor can use the equivalent amount of donated blood for free within 10 years from the date of donation.

What should I do before donating blood?

1. For the night before blood donation, do not eat or drink too much, and do not drink alcohol, eat meat, fish, eggs, milk, soy products and greasy food for the first two meals to prevent blood turbidity and blood quality decline;

2. Get a good sleep before donating blood and do not keep your stomach empty before to avoid some reactions such as dizziness, panic and sweating during blood donation process;

3. Blood donation should be withheld if the donor has symptoms such as cold, fever or cough before donating blood, or if the donor is a woman in a period within three days before or after her menstruation, pregnancy or six months after a miscarriage;

4, Before deciding to donate blood, you can read the information about blood donation publicity, in order to relieve and reduce the ideological burden, reduce unnecessary reactions in blood donation.

Will blood donation bring side effects to people?

The hematopoietic mechanism of human body can operate compensatory hyperplasia, and it will soon recover to the level before blood donation, so blood donation does not have any harm to the body, but improve the hematopoietic function and promote the bodys metabolism. Blood donation will reduce blood viscosity, have a good effect on the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular system, and have a positive preventive effect that reduces the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

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Text and pictures from Fei Huang and Li Hongyi