Heartwarming! Medical specialists drove hundreds of miles to send urgently needed medicine

Release time:2023-07-21
Haikou was just in the middle of the canicule in the heating summer, the severe heat was rather unbearable.

On the misty night of July 19, Mr. Zhang, who just rushed home from outside, saw the "big experts" delivered a special trip from Haikou, as if to see the long-awaited reunion of family excitedly .....

The "big expert" is Professor Dai Wenxin,Executive Director of Geriatrics Multidisciplinary Diagnostic and Treatment Center of Hainan Chengmei Hospital, for this trip, he drove more than 100 kilometers from Haikou to send the "urgently needed medicine" to his patient Mr. Zhang, who lives in Qionghai.

Mr. Zhang owes his acquaintance with Director Dai to a "companion consultation". A month ago, Mr. Zhang accompanied his family to see Director Dai for medical treatment, during which Mr. Zhang suddenly remembered that he had found out Hepatitis B in his physical examination a few months ago, and because he felt that his body was fine, so he put this matter to the back of his mind “heartlessly”. Seeing that Director Dai was kind and friendly, Mr. Zhang inquired about his illness on a whim.

When he mentioned it, it turned to be a severe issue, after listenning, Dai Wenxin frowned, and immediately asked Mr. Zhang to stay to review the liver function.

At that time, Mr. Zhang was still doubted, thinking that this expert was "making a big deal out of it", isnt Hepatitis B very common? Seeing the patients hesitation, Dai Wenxin patiently explained the dangers of Hepatitis B, and Mr. Zhang finally accepted the test.

It was found in the examination that Mr. Zhangs liver function had been damaged, and the value of DNA of Hepatitis B virus in his body was very high, indicating that the Hepatitis B virus was actively replicating and highly contagious.

"Hepatitis B is very harmful to the human body, and if left untreated, it may progress gradually to cirrhosis, and some of it may turn into hepatocellular carcinoma, which occurs at an annual rate of up to 3-6 percent in patients with cirrhosis.” Considering that Mr. Zhang is still young in his prime, who is the backbone of his family, the progression of the disease will not only jeopardize his health, but also bring a serious impact on his future life.

Dai Wenxin is a "returnee" postdoc, who has researched and understood the application of various new medicines. In response to the patients condition, Dai Wenxin selected two new first-line drugs for the hepatitis B antiviral treatment.

Before leaving the hospital, Dai Wenxin repeatedly instructed Mr. Zhang that if he stops taking his medication or does not take his medication regularly, it is easy to cause drug resistance, he must insist on taking his medication.

Mr. Zhang is very busy at work and has little time to take care of his health. During this period, he received WeChat greetings from Director Dai occasionally, urging him to take his medication on time and not to stay up late and drink much alcohol.

However, as the time of return visit is approaching, and the drug is about to run out, but Mr. Zhang has not come to return visit, Dai Wenxin just took the initiative to ask, learned that due to busy work recently, Mr. Zhang can not get out to go to Haikou for follow-up.

In order to remind the patient to take medication in a timely manner, to ensure the continuity of treatment, and to avoid causing harm to the body due to discontinuation and interruption, Dai Wenxin decided to go to the patients home for follow-up and delivery of medication.

On that day, after dealing with the work of the ward, it was close to off-duty time, without taking a break, Dai Wenxin drove to Mr. Zhangs home - Changpo Town, Qionghai City.

After arriving in Changpo Town Mr. Zhang was still outside to deal with his work, seeing the day was still early, Dai Wenxin simply engaged in a small free clinic on a small square in one corner the village committee. Seeing an expert from a big hospital in Haikou, the villagers spread the news to each other one after another, then, more than ten villagers came to see the doctor.

After the clinic, it was getting late, the villagers gradually dispersed, Dai Wenxin simply had his dinner and went to Mr. Zhangs home. At nine oclock in the night, Mr. Zhang returned home and saw Director Dai, who had been waiting for a long time, and was so excited with unspeakable gratitude.

Worried about that Mr. Zhang would feel guilty, Dai Wenxin lied that he came to deal with some stuff, and just came to drop off some medicine on the way, then he offered Mr. Zhang an auscultation examination carefully.

Dai Wenxin also prepared a "health kit" for Mr. Zhang thoughtfully, which contained brochures and health reading materials of Hepatitis B. After the diagnosis and treatment, Dai Wenxin said goodbye and left regardless of the invitation of the patients family to stay, and returned home late at night.

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Dai Wenxin said that providing patients with full-cycle, standardized treatment is a doctors basic qualities and responsibilities, and only in this way can patients benefit in all aspects. It is reported that, for a long time, all medical staff of the geriatric multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment center are adhering the service purpose to provide patients with high-quality "closed-loop management", and track and follow up the patients condition continuously.

Afterwards, Mr. Zhang learned that Director Dai Wenxin is an expert of cadre health care, but he also concerns the health of the general public and offers patients with dedicated health services with his full heart.

Free clinic for villagers