Our Hospital Held A Mobilization Meeting for the Centralized Rectification of Corruption in Pharmaceutical Industry

Release time:2023-08-04
Mobilization meeting

August 2, Hainan Provincial Cancer Hospital, and Hainan Chengmei Hospital, held a mobilization meeting for the centralized rectification of corruption in pharmaceutical industry. Shi Yaohui, Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive President of the hospital, Gao Jihe, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, Peng Shaohua, Vice President of the hospital and other members of the hospitals leadership team, as well as the heads of clinical departments attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Gao Jihe conveyed and studied the spirit of the national and provincial conference on centralized rectification of corruption in the medical field, and mobilized and deployed the solid implementation of centralized rectification of corruption in the medical field in our hospital.

It was pointed out on the conference that in May this year, the National Health industry Health Commission and other 14 departments jointly issued the "2023 Working Points on Correcting the Unhealthy Practices in the Field of Pharmaceutical Sales and Medical Services", requiring a sound and perfect governance system for the field modification, focusing on remedying the outstanding corruption problems in pharmaceutical industry; On July 21, the National Health Commission, together with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Public Security and other ten ministries and commissions jointly held a video conference to deploy a one-year concentrated crackdown on corruption in the national medical field; On July 25, the Hainan Provincial Health and Health Commission, together with the Department of Education, the Public Security Department, the Market Supervision Bureau, the Medical Insurance Bureau and the provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, jointly held a video conference on the mobilization and deployment of corruption in pharmaceutical industry in Hainan Province, requiring the implementation and promotion of the provinces centralized rectification work in full accordance with the national special program.

It was emphasized on the conference that corruption in pharmaceutical industry directly endangers the lives and health of the people and directly affects the image of the Party and the government, thus we should strictly punish corruption with "zero-tolerance" and vigorously create a clear environment for the development of pharmaceutical industry; we should further stabilize our position of people, earnestly enhance our sense of responsibility and sense of mission, strengthen the main responsibility, and form a joint effort, focus on the production, supply, sales, use, reimbursement and other key links in the field of pharmaceuticals and the "key minority", adhere to the treatment of both symptoms and root causes, the combination of correct and build, being strict and daring to fight with the dark side, be both lenient and strict, proceed in-depth implementation of the systematic governance of the whole field, whole chain and whole coverage of pharmaceutical industry, and further form a high-pressure situation to promote the establishment of an effective mechanism of “neither dare, can nor even think of being corrupt”.

Shi Yaohui said, recently, the state has continuously introduced a number of anti-corruption policies and regulations for pharmaceutical industry, deployed related work and requirements, the strength of which embodied the determination of the state on rectifying the problem of pharmaceutical corruption. He requested that the whole staff of the hospital should fully recognize the importance and urgency of the remediation work, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and sense of mission to thoroughly rectify the corruption and working style in the field of medicine. In the next step, our hospital will introduce a relevant work program to strengthen the supervision of medical behavior and resolutely resist the occurrence of corruption in pharmaceutical industry.

Benevolence and morality should be priority of a healer. Those who are benevolent love others, and those who pursue morality will always be honest and clean. Shi Yaohui hopes that the whole medical staff could cherish the professional platform, adhere to the original spirit of a healer, practice professional ethics, constantly improve the quality and safety of medical care with exquisite medical technology and noble medical ethics, make our effort for the high-quality development of the hospital, and work together to achieve the wonderful vision of “government assured, patients satisfied, counterparts recognized and staff being happy".

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