A Group of Experts from National Engineering Laboratory Came to Our Institute to Guide the Co-construction of Cell Labs

Release time:2023-08-23
On August 17, a group of experts from the National Engineering Laboratory visited Hainan Cancer Hospital, Hainan Chengmei Hospital and Boao Super Hospital to provide on-site guidance on the planning and operation of the project of co-built AABB grade cell preparation and storage laboratory.

Taking group photo with experts and leaders

Currently, cell therapy is one of the fields with the most development potential in the biomedical industry. With the vigorous development in the field of cell therapy in China, important progress has been made in the clinical research of cell therapy represented by stem cells and immune cells, which provides a better diagnostic and therapeutic solution for the treatment of tumors, hematological diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and many other complex diseases.

Keeping pace with the development of new national medicine and boosting the innovative development of cell therapy industry. As an important medical force under the background of the construction of the Free Trade Port, Boao Super Hospital, Hainan Cancer Hospital, Hainan Chengmei Hospital and Hainan Yumei Biotechnology Co., Ltd. have achieved a strategic cooperation goal to build an AABB-level cell preparation and storage laboratory jointly under the guidance of experts from the National Engineering Laboratory, and accelerate the promotion of the research of innovative cellular therapy and clinical translation of Hainans Free Trade Port.

Bao Yongli, Deputy Director of National Engineering Laboratory of Drug Gene and Protein Screening of National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Yang Xiaoguang, Deputy Director of Key Laboratory of Quality Control of Cellular and Genetic Drugs of State Drug Administration (SDA), and Du Wei, Director of Transformation Center of National Engineering Laboratory of Drug Gene and Protein Screening of NDRC, and other experts provided on-site guidance and technical support for the construction project of AABB-grade Cell Preparation and Storage Laboratory of Boao Super Hospital, and the project of 1500 m² cell laboratory of Hainan Cancer Hospital and Hainan Chengmei Hospital.

It is reported that AABB is the most authoritative and stringent international accreditation in the field of cell therapy, which was only issued to 148 cell banks in the world. AABB accreditation is the equivalent of a "global visa" for cells of an organization, allowing it to provide cellular therapies across countries and territories.

Boao Super Hospital enjoys the "Nine Articles" of Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Advance Zone and the preferential policies of Hainan Free Trade Port. For a long time, relying on the powerful expert team and technical advantages of Hainan Cancer Hospital and Hainan Chengmei Hospital, the strong combination has built a national platform for the innovation and transformation of new medical technologies, new drugs and new devices, and created a highland of innovation and transformation of clinical scientific research and application of advanced medical technologies, which has created a number of first in our country.

The policy advantages of the Free Trade Port and Boao Lecheng provide strong policy support and service guarantee for conducting cell therapy research and clinical transformation, and also open up new paths and opportunities for the future legal and compliant implementation of the transformation of cellular clinical therapy technology.

Jiang Huicheng, head of Hainan First Chengmei Medical Group, said that he would fully support the establishment of a cell therapy research and application platform, accelerate the promotion of cell laboratory construction, and help to realize the clinical research and result transformation of cell therapy, and truly realize the close linkage of clinical needs, R&D and manufacturing, and application development. The two sides are expected to continue to deepen their cooperation in the future and jointly build a cellular drug (CNAS) testing center in the Free Trade Port, which will play a positive role in the development of the national cellular scientific research and medical industry and the benefit of the peoples health.

Huang Yu, Chairman of Rongyu Capital, Zhao Jianguo, Chairman of Jimei Holding Group, Liu Zhiping, Executive President of Jimei Holding Group, Lin Zhengfei, Chairman of Hainan Yumei Biotechnology Co., LTD., Lin Shiquan, Executive Chairman of Hainan Cancer Hospital Council, Wang Chao, Vice President of Hainan First Chengmei Medical Industry Group, Shi Yaohui, Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive President of Hainan Cancer Hospital, Liu Yuehong, Liu Weisong, and Lv Yonghong, Vice President of Hainan Cancer Hospital, Liu Tongting, Executive Vice president of Boao Super Hospital, and Zhao Xin, General Manager of Hainan Chengmei International Elderly Care and Rehabilitation Center, accompanied the visit.

Text from Chen Lin, and pictures from Li Hongyi